A baby boy has miraculously survived being run over by a train at a station in Melbourne, Australia.


Whilst waiting for her train with her 6-month old baby in tow, his three-wheeler pushchair rolled off the platform towards the tracks, toppling onto the train line – with the baby boy strapped in.

Within seconds of the pram falling onto the tracks, a 250-tonne train whizzed by at 30mph ploughing into the pram and dragging it underneath the front carriage.

The frantic mum desperately tried to grab the pushchair before the train hit, but it was too late to stop the train arriving at high speed.

Astonishing video footage shows how close the unnamed boy had come to being crushed, but miraculously, he survived with nothing more than a bump on his head.

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β€œAll he needed was a feed, and a nap. Luckily the baby was strapped into his pram at the time, which probably saved his life. I think this is an amazing escape,” a paramedic at the scene told the Daily Mail.
