Popstar Pink gave birth to her first child with husband Carey Hart earlier this month and they named their daughter Willow Sage. The singer has now revealed that her daughter’s unusual names were given to her in the hope she will exhibit the admirable qualities of those plants.


The inspiration for Willow’s name came from a willow tree from Pink's childhood. “I grew up near one. It is the most flexible tree and nothing can break it – no wind, no elements. It can bend and withstand anything. I love that sentiment and I want that for her,” Pink told Hello! magazine.

Pink also explained the meaning behind the name Sage. “Sage is cleansing and sacred and it sounds great with Willow.”

“It doesn’t hurt that her last name is Hart – flexible, cleansed heart,” added the singer.

Let’s hope the celebrity tot lives up to the qualities of her name!

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