What do Angelina Jolie and Spanx have in common? They both feature in workingmother.com’s Most Powerful Moms of 2012 list.


Highlighting the 10 USA-based mums it suggests are the most powerful, the site sings the praises of new mum Beyonce, comedy actress and TV producer Melissa McCarthy (star of smash hit Bridesmaids) and Hunger Games novelist Suzanne Collins.

Jennifer Owens, Working Mother’s Editorial Director, reportedly told Us Weekly, “All of the power women on our list have at least one child 18 or younger, and all are based in the U.S.” According to Us Weekly Jennifer went on to say that these “are just a few of the moms making a major impact right now.”

Each mum gets an explanation as to why they were picked. Sarah Blakely, founder of Spanx, is noted for being named Forbes’ youngest self-made billionaire last year and Angelina Jolie gets a nod for being a “celebrity who gives”. Beyonce’s described as “Pop Music Force”. Melissa (aka Megan in Bridesmaids) is “Hollywood Mover and Shaker”.

The list also includes faces you might not recognise at first glance – there’s Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, and Katie Jacobs Stanton, the Head of International Strategy for Twitter.

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