Remember the classic Peter and Jane books? Launched in 1964 to help kids improve their reading they picture the (rather too perfect) brother and sister taking part in leisurely activities such as walks in the country and paddling boats. The idyllic - but pretty outdated - scenes in the Ladybird books were updated in the 70s and 80s to reflect Britain's changing society - but can you spot the difference?


Fans of the Ladybird Books are trying to do just that on Twitter, thanks to superfan Helen Day, who has more than 10,000 Ladybird books in her collection. Helen tweets before and after pictures from the famous Peter and Jane First Words Reading Scheme books on her feed, Ladybird Fly Away Home and now has more than 5,000 followers who look for the the subtle differences in the pictures.

In this original 1964 drawing on the left the dad shares the front seat with his children but by the 1970s (the picture on the right) they're wearing seat belts in the front of the car and the backdrop is more urban.


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Health and safety


Children on the pavement


Dad involved in parenting


Cultural diversity




Changing gender roles


Mum getting off the train herself


Girls are more sporty


Wearing a life jacket
