OK, so we all know that becoming a parent means you never get to pee alone again – but would you breastfeed on the loo?


That's what Elisha Wilson Beach did when her 11-month-old daughter made a beeline for her in the bathroom – and she's caused quite a stir by sharing the moment on Instagram.

"This is motherhood and it ain't always pretty... #momtruth #motherhood #motherhoodaintpretty#tmi #confessionsofamom #ididthat #iamnotsorry," Elisha commented on the pic, taken by her husband, actor Michael Beach, who's been in ER and Sons of Anarchy.

Initially, people reacted positively to Elisha's post. "Yes!!! Thank you! This IS MY life!!!" one Instagram user wrote, and "You go mama!" said another.

But after the pic was shared on Reddit and then on popular US Life of Dad Facebook page, it went viral (217,000 likes and 27,000 shares) and the criticism started coming in.

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"I would never ever breastfeed my child in the bathroom," wrote one user. "It’s unsanitary. Stick your kid in the crib until you’re done, or pump it and give it to them."

"That's gross," said another. "I think a walking baby can wait to breastfeed until one is off the toilet. I mean would you eat your meal on the toilet?"

But Elisha is unrepentant. "People think it’s disgusting," she says, "but motherhood has blurred the lines of [what is] disgusting for me."

She says she only shared the photo to show people what her daily life is. "Here, this is my mom truth, and go ahead and share me yours," she says. "It’s not pretty, but I’m not judging."

She told CBS Los Angeles that she'd gone to the loo alone while her baby and 4-year-old were sleeping. "But then she followed me in and created a trail of mess straight to me and was ready for her morning feed, and I just said to my husband, 'Hey, come look at this. You’ve got to see this!'"

Elisha never imagined her picture would get the reaction it has, and some of it has surprised her. "I’ve gotten 'You rock, Mom' and 'This is my life right now'," she says. "And then I’ve gotten 'You’re disgusting' and 'You have no class' and 'You’re a terrible mother.'

"But I just see so many perfect pictures of motherhood, and frankly it’s a little frustrating. That’s not what it’s like."

Photo: Facebook / Life of Dad

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