When we asked our mums on Facebook and our forum about whether they changed their name or not after marriage we had loads of replies.


Lots of you said you didn't think twice about changing your name to your husband's surname, some said you changed it and wished you hadn't, others kept your maiden name, some decided to use both surnames, while a few of you created a whole new name from yours and your hubby's names.

But what are the implications of changing your name? And what do you need to know before you make a big decision...

1. Getting married doesn't automatically mean you've changed your name

"I changed [my name] and didn't even think about it. To me if you get married you change your name," Katie M told us - and lots of you shared her views. (We had a fair few mums who said their hubbies took their name, too btw).

However it's important to remember that, while you're wrapped up in a wedding and all that goes wth it, you might be forgiven for thinking the whole world knows what's going on.

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But it doesn't - and it certainly doesn't know if you're planning to change your name or not. All a marriage certificate does is record which two people are getting married.

2. Extra marriage certificates are worth getting in order to get documents updated

As you'll get from #1, if you want to update your name on official documents, such as your passport or driving licence, you'll need to send the original marriage certificate off with a covering letter as per the guidelines (check out the passport name change form and driving licence name change requirements).

That's why it's well worth getting a few extra copies of your marriage certificate when the registrar offers (though, yes, you do have to pay per copy).

3. If you're double-barrelling, blending or using your maiden name as a middle name you need to do it by deed poll

"My husband and I merged our names - the first 3 letters of his name and the last 3 letters of his name," Becki A told us.

And Karoline C said: "I added my husband's last name to mine. I'm proud to carry both."

In both these cases you're essentially creating a brand new name that's not recorded anywhere.

This means your marriage certificate might not be enough to change official documents - you need to change your name and your husband's name by deed poll. Financial institutions in particular will almost certainly require a deed poll name change if you want to use a double-barrelled or blended/meshed name.

4. Getting your bank account name changed should be a priority

If you've changed your surname and already have a joint mortgage or bank account with your partner, it's worth making sure your new name is on all your bank docs asap.

If you've taken your husband's surname, you'll find most government departments will be happy to accept a marriage certificate and covering letter with your intended name change, though again, you'll need to check the specific guidelines.

5. There will be WAY more places to change it than you think at first

OK, so you've got yourself sorted with the bank, and all those pesky government departments. How about the doctor? Dentist? Oh, you get it...

So, take a deep breath and make a list of everywhere you can think of where you'll need and want it changed, visit the organisation's website on how to do it (you can often do it online although some may ask you to send a marriage certificate too) and get to work.

6. You are able to use two names if you want

You're legally allowed to keep your maiden (or current) name for work or professional reasons, and use your new married name socially or for family-related purposes. Even if you've changed your name by deed poll you're perfectly entitled to use a different one at work.

At work, nothing will change unless you specifically request it (eg asking IT to change your email address or your line manager to use a different surname on all correspondence or work papers).

In the case of being self-employed, legally you'll be [New Name] trading as [Former Name], if you've changed your name.

Depending on the bank, you may also be able to have two bank accounts - one in your maiden name and one in your married name - if you so want, as long as you're not doing so for fraudulent reasons. However, due to concerns over money laundering and tightening regulations, some banks are less obliging and The Guardian recently revealed how Santander had combined one married woman's two accounts into one. Santander has since apologised, but not all banks will let you run two.

7. If you have a different surname to your children, take your marriage certificate on holiday

In the past 5 years, more than 600,000 parents experienced delays and hassle at border security - simply because they didn’t share a surname with one of their children.

So if your passport shows your maiden name but your children have your partner's surname, you need to take a copy of your marriage certificate with you if you're crossing borders. You're likely to be asked how you are related to your children. Even more concerning, your children may be put on the spot and asked to explain who you are.

8. Make changes sooner rather than later

A number of mums in the MFM team admit that, even though they got married a fair few years ago indeed, they're still finding issues with using different names, usually when it comes to anything to do with banking.

And one mum who's been married twice says she still gets in a pickle with her maiden name, and two married names being used across various accounts and emails.

Her advice? "Do it all as soon as you can after the wedding - make it part of the marriage planning so that even though it's admin it's still quite exciting to do in the early days.

"Otherwise you'll leave it and leave it - and never get round to doing it.

"You'll find yourself not knowing what's in what name and having to take passports or your marriage certificate with you as ID just to prove who you are.

"So - get it sorted asap, or like me, you might end up wishing you'd stuck to your original moniker."

Wise words indeed ?

What do you think?

Did you change your name when you got married? Did you get it changed everywhere asap or are you keeping 2 names? Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
