A new study has found that children with ADHD are more likely to daydream when they should be concentrating.


Scientists have discovered that they find it harder for their brains to switch off 'daydreaming' tendencies, when they’re doing what they may consider “boring” tasks. Most people are able to control their 'daydreaming' habits and focus on what they're doing.

This may be why children with ADHD find it difficult to focus and concentrate at school and are generally impulsive and easily distracted.

“Using brain imaging, we have been able to see inside the children’s heads and observe what it is about ADHD that is stopping them concentrating,” says Dr Martin Batty.

“If a task is not sufficiently interesting, they cannot switch off their background brain activity and they are easily distracted. Making a task more interesting – or providing medication – turns down the volume and allows them to concentrate.”


The research is published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.


Susie Boone, Editorial Director MadeForMums
Susie BooneEditorial Director, MadeForMums