Ever noticed your baby’s bottle looks a bit ‘cloudy’?


Maybe it smells a bit funky? Obviously, if it did, you’d give it a good wash in the sink, right?

Here at MFM, we have to admit it’s something we’d never thought that much about until we came across a new study by a company called Nimble Babies (who, to be fair, sell a baby bottle washing product Milk Buster).

The survey – conducted with 647 mums (both new mums and mums with more than one child) – looked into our bottle-washing habits.

80% of those mums said they’d noticed their bottles going ‘cloudy’, while 76% of those who noticed said it bothered them.

And 71% of mums said they’d change bottles altogether because they’re not looking good or smelling very nice…

But, er, what causes this ‘cloudy effect’?

According to the company, it's apparently down to milk residue or a build up of old milk, which becomes a ‘greasy film’ of sorts – but the bottle’s appearance can also be altered after facing high temps in a dishwasher, for example. You can clearly see (and probs smell) the difference between these two things.

But what we found really interesting about the survey’s findings was whether or not our babies notice when bottle hygiene’s not up to scratch during their feed.

They asked a group of kids (because babies can’t talk, natch) what they thought of a cloud-free bottle and a not-so-cloud-free bottle… and it seemed overwhelmingly that they noticed a difference.

You can watch the video here.


What do you use for a cloudy bottle? Regular old washing up liquid or a special product – or do you just replace every once in a while?

Let us know on Facebook or Twitter

Images: Nimble Babies

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