Britain’s oldest mum, Elizabeth Adeney, 66, returned home on Monday (June 1) with her baby boy.
She gave birth to 5lb 3oz Jolyon a week ago at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge.
Mrs Adeney is managing director of plastic and textile firm Delmore Ltd and she worked up until days before the birth. At her home in Lidgate, Suffolk, a room has already been converted to a nursery and she has hired a nanny to help with the newborn.
The divorcee conceived Jolyon through IVF treatment and he was delivered by caesarean section last Tuesday.
She went to the Ukraine for IVF treatment as UK rules prevent clinics from treating women over 50.
Before Jolyon’s birth, Britain’s oldest mum was Patti Farrant, 62, when she gave birth to her son, Jude, three years ago.
