Let's face it, there is nothing more disheartening (or annoying) than seeing a celeb new mum on the front of a mag claiming they've 'pinged' back to their pre-preg size simply by breastfeeding or running around after their kids...


OK, so some mums DO go back to their pre-pregnancy weight very quickly, but we know that a LOT do not (or even go back at all) and unrealistic images and post baby-body claims don't do anyone any favours.

So we are really pleased to see a few showbiz types being so open and honest about their bodies after birth.

While we all know that eating healthily and doing a bit of exercise is the only way, it is nice to see that message being promoted, too. Hurrah!

First up is the lovely Sam Faiers, who has recently revealed to OK! magazine that she is not quite where she wants to be in terms of her diet and fitness since the birth of her little boy, 6-month-old Paul.

Sam Faiers opens up about her post-baby body

While we think she look AMAZING (and what a total cutie Paul is), Sam says that while she hasn't yet reached her target, more importantly, she feels great.

"I eat really healthily so that plays a big part in helping me feel good," she told OK!, adding that "I've got a personal trainer who comes to my house a couple of days a week."

Sam previously explained how it was more important to her to be 'feeling fit and healthy rather than being a certain size again', and that she feels 'healthier than ever' since having her baby and breastfeeding because she was focusing on eating well so Paul got all the best nutrients.

"I’m not pushing myself to be a certain size.

"My doctor told me that while I’m breastfeeding I will weigh a good half stone more than normal, ultimately I just want to feel healthy," she said back in April, adding she also goes on loads of walks in the park with Paul in his pram.

Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian has also spoken out about her body struggles since the birth of her son Saint last December, and how she managed to shift an astonishing 70 pounds.

Whilst her regime is kinda extreme with dawn stints at the gym, we do like her honesty - particularly her 'fessing up that she fell off the wagon after losing the first 55 pounds:

"I started going to Disneyland and taking my kids and eating Churros and all that really crappy stuff that I love," she told People.

"But then you feel so s--- after you eat it, when you've been doing so good."

So, how DID she do it? Well it's back to our old friend diet and exercise again - 1,800 calories a day, with fish and turkey dinners, and some intensive workouts - daily 6am gym sessions whilst North and Saint are still in bed, to be precise!

"I think dieting is so important to weight loss, whereas, I didn't really ever think that before," Kim admitted.

"I thought, 'Oh, I can work out, I can just eat whatever I want.' But you have to work out all the time."

And her workouts mean she can enjoy the occasional treat, too. Kim cites trail mix with M&Ms as one of her vices, which she calls "stuff that makes you feel like you can live. And not like super restricted to anything."

Kim's diet and gym sessions are obvs paying off

We reckon that bizarre rubber corset is probs helping things along, too - but there's no denying that her hard work has paid off.

Another mum who has opened up about her pregnancy weight gain and post-baby fitness routine is A Place In The Sun presenter Laura Hamilton.

Laura has made no bones about the fact she gained 4 stone during her 2nd pregnancy (she is mum to son Rocco who was born in 2013, and daughter Tahlia, who arrived in 2015) but has now lost an amazing 5 stone through healthy eating and exercise.

Laura has chronicled her weight loss and body fitness on her Instagram page, and says that her secret weapon was an app she developed to keep her on track, and to help other mums, too.

"Most of us these days have busy jobs or hectic lives. Hitting the gym just isn't possible. I found it difficult to stick to a regular workout schedule," she admitted to OK! magazine.

Laura Hamilton shows off her post baby body

We think Sam, Kim and Laura are all looking fab - and have obvs worked hard to stick to their post-natal routines.

But while we think it is great that they have been so open in sharing how they did it, and how it didn't happen overnight, it's important to remember that they have had a fair bit of help from the pros - something we don't all have!

We also reckon that when you're a mum you DO need to cut yourself some slack sometimes.

If it takes 9 months or 9 years to get your body where YOU want it after pregnancy and birth, then that's totally fine!


Images: Sam Faiers Instagram / Kim Kardashian West Instagram / Laura Hamilton Instagram

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