When it comes to pranks, we think there's a very thin line between funny and cruel – particularly when kids are involved. So this shocking video named " Killing My Own Kid" is certainly not for the faint hearted!


It all starts when the notorious YouTube prankster Roman is playing with his 2 children. His youngest son is dressed in a Spiderman costume – including mask.

When his partner Brittney arrives home, he asks her to fetch them some water, and quickly switches out his real son for a mannequin dressed in the same costume. He then pretends to accidentally throw his son off a balcony in front of her.

Of course, the mum shrieks and runs to her toddler's side – panicking while he seems to lie unmoving on the floor. But once she removes his mask she sees it's just a mannequin. Well, of course she's relieved her son is unharmed, but lets just say she is NOT happy about being scared to death by her partner.

See the video in full above! Do you think it's funny or cruel? Tell us in the comments…

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