Baby boy names beginning with T – with origins and meanings
Looking for baby name ideas for a boy that start with the 20th letter of the alphabet? We’ve got some terrific suggestions, along with their origin and meaning

Complete the T section of your possible baby boy name list by looking at our suggestions along with their origin and meaning to find out whether your son could be a Tabbai, Thurston or Tyson
1. Tabansi
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: one who endures
2. Tabbai
- Origin: Aramaic
- Meaning: good
3. Tadhgh
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: poet
- Also: Thaddeus, Teague.
4. Taffy
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: beloved; Welsh form of David.
- Also: Welsh form of David
5. Taggart
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: son of a priest
6. Tahir
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: virtuous
7. Taj
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: crown
8. Takeo
- Origin: Japanese
- Meaning: valiant warrior
9. Talbot
- Origin: Anglo-Norman
- Meaning: messenger of destruction
10. Talon
- Origin: English
- Meaning: the large claw of a bird of prey
11. Tam
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: innocent, honest
- Also: Thomas
12. Tamarius
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: stubborn
13. Tate
- Origin: Norse
- Meaning: cheerful
- Also: Tait
14. Tavarius
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: fun-loving
15. Tavon
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: nature
16. Taylor
- Origin: Middle English
- Meaning: tailor or maker of clothes
17. Ted
- Origin: Greek/Old English
- Meaning: God's gift, wealthy guard
- Also: Edward, Edmund, Teddie, Teddy, Theodore
18. Terence
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: smooth; derived from a Roman surname
- Also: Terance, Terrance, Terrence, Terry, Tel, Turlough (Irish form)
19. Terris
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: tender, gracious
20. Tevaughn
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: tiger
21. Tevin
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: son of Kevin
22. Thane
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: clan chieftain
- Also: Thaine
23. Theobald
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: bold people
- Also: Theo, Tybalt, Tibold (German form)
24. Theodore
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: gift from God
- Also: Theo, Ted, Teddie, Teddy, Tudor (Welsh form)
25. Theodoric
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: ruler of the people
- Also: Terry, Thierry (French form)
26. Theophilus
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: beloved of God
27. Thomas
- Origin: Aramaic
- Meaning: twin
- Also: Tom, Tommy, Tam (Scotish form)
28. Thorburn
- Origin: Old Norse
- Meaning: thunder bear
29. Thorndike
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: the dyke of thorns
- Also: Thorndyke
30. Thorne
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: thornbush
31. Thorpe
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: hamlet or small settlement
- Also: Thorp
32. Thurstan
- Origin: Danish
- Meaning: stone of Thor
33. Tierney
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: lord or master
- Also: Tiernan
34. Timothy
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: honour to God
- Also: Tim, Timmy
35. Titus
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: title of honour
- Also: Tiziano (Italian form)
36. Tobias
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: God is good
- Also: Toby
37. Todd
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: fox
38. Todhunter
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: fox hunter
39. Tony
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: priceless one
- Also: Anthony
40. Torquil
- Origin: Old Norse
- Meaning: Thor’s cauldron
41. Torr
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: tower
42. Townsend
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: end of the hamlet
43. Tracy
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: war-like, fighter; also used as a girl’s name
44. Traherne
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: strength or iron
45. Travers
- Origin: Old French
- Meaning: to cross over
- Also: Travis
46. Tremayne
- Origin: Celtic
- Meaning: town built with stone
- Also: Tremaine
47. Trent
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: torrent, force; the name of a river in the UK
48. Trevelyan
- Origin: Cornish/Welsh
- Meaning: stone homestead
49. Trevor
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: ambitious
- Also: Trev, Trefor (Welsh form)
50. Tristram
- Origin: French possibly
- Meaning: uncertain but may come from the French triste meaning sad
- Also: Tristam, Tristan
51. Trory
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: the red one
52. Troy
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: Derived from the ancient city besieged by the Greeks
53. Tru
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: Loyalty
54. Truelove
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: faithful
55. Truman
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: Loyal one
- Also: Trueman
56. Tudor
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: God's gift
- Also: Theodore
57. Tully
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: mighty one; also used as a girl’s name
58. Tulsi
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: sacred basil
59. Tupil
- Origin: Indian
- Meaning: moon
60. Turlough
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: dry lake
- Also: Terence
61. Turner
- Origin: Middle English
- Meaning: wood-worker
62. Twain
- Origin: English
- Meaning: divided in two
63. Twyford
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: double ford
64. Tyler
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: maker of tiles
- Also: Ty
65. Tyrell
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: unknown
- Also: Ty
66. Tyrone
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: a town in Ireland
- Also: Ty
67. Tyson
- Origin: Old French
- Meaning: fire bird
About our author Catherine Ball
Catherine Ball is a freelance journalist who specialises in writing about parenting and health. She has been a journalist for 20 years, writing for a wide range of regional and national publications. She is also mum to 4 children between the ages 3 and 12, so has drawn up many, many lists of baby names over the past few years.
Illustration: Emma Winchester
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