To make 8 cakes, you will need:

  • 50g (2oz) self-raising flour
  • 1 medium egg
  • 50g (2oz) caster sugar
  • 50g (2oz) soft margarine
  • paper cake cases
  • a baking tray with shallow pans
  • small round sweets and jelly diamonds or slices

For the lemon butter icing:

  • 40g (1 floz) butter, softened
  • 75g (3oz) icing sugar, sifted
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (from a bottle or squeezed from a lemon)
  • 1 drop yellow food coloring

Heat your oven to 190°C, 375°F, gas mark 5 before you start.

The cakes need to be stored in an airtight container and eaten within three days.


Step 1

Sift the flour through a seive into a bowl. Break the egg into a cup, then add it to the flour. Add the sugar and margarine.


Step 2

Beat the mixture firmly with a wooden spoon, until it is light and fluffy. Put eight paper cases in the baking tray.


Step 3

Using a teaspoon, half fill each paper case with the mixture. Then, bake the cakes in the oven for 18-20 minutes.


Step 4

Take the cakes out of the oven. After a few minutes, lift them out of the baking tray and put them on a rack to cool.


Step 5

For the icing, put the butter into a bowl. Beat it with a wooden spoon until it is creamy.Then, stir in half of the icing sugar.


Step 6

Add the lemon juice, yellow food coloring and the rest of the icing sugar. Mix everything together well.


Step 7

Using a blunt knife, cover the top of each cake with buttericing. Then, use a fork to make the icing look feathery.


Step 8

Press two round sweets onto each cake for the eyes. Then, cut eight jelly diamonds or slices in half for the beaks.


Step 9

Press two halves into the icing on each cake, to make a beak. Make the pointed ends of the halves stick up a little.


Recipe taken from Usborne’s Easter Cooking, £4.99 (ISBN: 9781409545880)
