How soon after you conceived did you realise you were pregnant? Perhaps you spotted one of the more usual early signs? Or maybe you took one of those super-early pregnancy tests because you were trying for a baby and just couldn't wait till you missed your period?


But, for some of us, it seems, we don't need any of that; we know we're pregnant almost straight away – from the strangest little clues.

Here are the top 8 spooky signs the mums on our Facebook page say told them they were pregnant WAY before it was confirmed through medical means...

1. You hate loud noises

The little clues that suggest you might be pregnant often come in the form of things that don't usually bother us suddenly now getting to us BIG time.

Natalie C tells us that she started to think she might be pregnant when she found herself being hypersensitive to noise: "Loud noises made me cry," she says. "Bagpipes, Irish dancers banging on a floor...". Awwwww, we feel for you, Nat.

2. Your dog tells you

Several of our Facebook mums agree that a change in their dog's behaviour was one the first clues that they might be expecting. And for others, another person's dog that had never really noticed them before became much more attentive...

Lau P told us: "My dogs were very gentle and the girlie dog would follow me everywhere. Usually she is a man's dog and couldn't care less about me!"

Toni A had a similar story, also about a female dog: "My partner's dog followed me around all the time," she says. "She was never that attached to me before."

And Pippa C agrees: "Yep, my dogs wouldn't leave me alone and got really protective."

3. You get clumsy

Once you've got a full-on bump, of course, it's pretty common to lose your centre of gravity a bit, and find yourself bumping into things or knocking them over.

But, according to Sharon C, the clumsiness comes sooner than you think: "I knocked a vase off a shelf and it smashed and I cried like a baby over it, so my hubby knew I was finally pregnant."

4. You get hyper-sensitive to smells

Here's another symptom that often crops up later on in pregnancy, when you're well aware you're expecting, but Andrea J tells us an aversion to certain smells was a really super-early clue she was pregnant, too. "The smell of alcohol made me feel ill," she says. "That was the clincher."

5. Your mum just senses it

"I hadn't told my mum I was trying for a baby and, when I was round her house and she asked me if I was pregnant. I genuinely didn't know if I was or not," says Tanya B.

"So, I did a test when I got home and it was positive."

Wow, this just goes to show a mother's intuition lasts well beyond the baby years, eh?

6. You get a strange and unusual thirst

Dry mouth is often considered a 'normal' early symptom of pregnancy but, for one of our mums, it wasn't that but an extreme thirst that first told her something was going on.

"First pregnancy, I got a weird extreme thirst that was really unusual," says Heather F, "so I knew something was up."

7. Your Fitbit starts playing up

When runner Ivonne noticed her Fitbit was recording her heartbeat as up on its usual rate, her husband David posted on Reddit asking the community how to sort the faulty gadget. But one user suggested the increased heart rate could be due to pregnancy.

Indeed, Ivonne took a pregnancy test and it came back positive.

Doctor Philippa Kaye confirmed for MFM that, during your first trimester, your heart rate (and temperature) can in fact increase a bit. Who needs a pregnancy test if you've got a Fitbit, eh?

8. Your cat gets all clingy

Dogs definitely don't have the upper paw when it comes to knowing when their owners could be pregnant; it seems our feline friends can sniff it out, too.

"My cat got very clingy and protective for all 3 of my pregnancies," says Heather W. "She knew each time before I did!"

Just goes to show how totally in tune with us our furry friends can be...

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
