Only 1 in 5 people give up their seat for a pregnant woman – and almost all of those who do are other women.


That's the depressing finding of a new survey by University of Westminster student Georgina Kotjan, who dressed herself up with a fake bump and a Baby on Board badge and took to London's Tube for 10 hours to investigate just how many people would give up their seat for her.

Of the 100 people who noticed that Georgina was 'pregnant' (so we're not even counting the numerous others who didn't even spot her bump), only 20 stood up and offered their seat to her. And almost all of those 20 seat-offerers were other women.

Interestingly, in a previous study Georgina conducted, every single person of the 100 people (male and female) she surveyed said they'd definitely give up their seat for a pregnant woman.

It seems as though good intentions and kind gestures simply evaporate in the seat-grabbing reality of the commuting crush.

What do you think of all this? Are you surprised by how few people give up their seats? Have you ever had to stand while pregnant while others stayed in their seats and ignored your bump? Do please post a comment and share your story.

