It’s Christmas nativity time again, and it seems schools are doing all they can to include every child in a starring roles– even if it means deviating from the traditional story a little.


Amanda Holden’s daughter Lexi, 6, took to the stage on Friday, and rather than playing Mary, or perhaps even an inn keeper, Lexi got the role of Elf 28. We’re surprised to discover there was even one elf present at the birth of baby Jesus, but 28? It was seemingly quite the party!

Of course, we think it’s splendid all the children get a part, even if a made up one, and Amanda was certainly one proud mamma. The Britain’s Got Talent judge didn’t appear to have been pressing any ‘Xs’ nor was she to be found sniggering behind her hands, instead the excited mum tweeted, “Am soooo proud of Elf 28 in school nativity!! What another fab show Lexi’s school put on! #mulledwinewentdownwell”.

If you’re heading off to a nativity in the coming weeks, make sure you’ve read our guide to the best way to capture a school nativity on film.


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