We have to say, if we were going out jogging with the buggy, we might wear a bit more than model Ymre Stiekema in this picture. Bugaboo shared the photo (from a Vogue Netherlands shoot) of the 23-year-old jogging with her 2-year-old daughter Lymée on its Facebook page – causing a huge reaction from other mums.


"I run with a pram, and I'm three times maybe four times wider and shorter than her would love to look like her, You go girl, if you got it flaunt it. ?," one mum commented.

But not all mums were a fan of Ymre's outfit – even Jess Ennis' running pants are bigger! The most popular comment was rather more tongue in cheek. "I prefer running naked with my children," one user commented, sparking over 400 likes.


Another added: " I have 2 children and if was running in this on the school run it would be because I'd forgotten to put my clothes on because we're late for school, my 5 year old had fallen off his scooter, my 2 year old refuses to put his shoes on and there's a good chance I haven't had the time to do my bikini line. There's an image to leave you with."

But other mums were happy to support the model's choice of running gear. "Really ladies? Are you that judgemental or jealous that you have to question what she is running in? Women should support each other not tear each other down because you feel inadequate. I would never get away with wearing that while I run, but great for her!" one commented.

Our Facebook followers were completely on her side. Rebecca Symons may not be up for doing it herself due to practicalities of all that jogging: "Fair play, she looks amazing," she posted. "But comfort factor..... Nope not for me. I have wobbly bits that need holding in/taping down!!"

Siobhan Canavan added: "I can just imagine all the keyboard warriors with their pizza and body issues taking it out on her because she looks amazing."

And we couldn't agree more with Emma Harrison Jennings: "Why shouldn't she be proud of her body? If I had that body, I'd wear it!"

What do you think of the shot? Inspirational or a bit daft? Let us know in the comments below.

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