Recently, 24-year-old Lily Allen has been spotted looking fab on stage donning her Chanel outfits and doing raunchy performances. However, her fans had better make the most of her strutting her stuff, because Lily could be planning to bid farewell to the microphone and become a mum.


Talking to the crowd at her sell-out concert in Brisbane, Australia, the singer let it slip that she was ready to start a family with her beau, Sam Cooper. “I want to have a baby. I’m not saying I’m pregnant now,” she revealed to the crowd. However, realising that her tongue had run away with her, she then chastised to herself, “Shut up, Lily. Shut up, Lily.”

This isn’t the first time the Smile singer has spoken out about her desire to be a mum, with her recently admitting in an interview that she thinks it’s time to start a family with her boyfriend and that she wants to hang up her pop star shoes for motherhood.

Meanwhile in Hollywood, film director Quentin Tarantino, 46, is also thinking about babies. The Kill Bill director has revealed that he thinks he’d make a “great dad”. So great in fact, that he’d like to be his own dad in another life! “There was a time when I kind of had baby-fever. I think I’d be a great dad. I’d like to come back and have me for a dad,” the quirky star shared.

Also in Tinseltown, another A-lister wants to be a dad. Well, for the third time that is! Dad of two, Ben Affleck has been urging his gorgeous wife Jennifer Garner to have another baby, and this time he’s hoping for a boy. Already doting daddy to daughter Violet, 4, and Seraphina, 1, the actor wants to expand his family with some testosterone.

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However, 38-year-old Jen isn’t convinced! Reluctant to lose her svelte post-baby body for the third time, she has put the baby plans on hold. “Ben would like a boy, but I don’t want another baby right now,” she told US magazine. “You don’t want to do that all over again, after you worked hard to get your body back.”

Back in the UK, the X Factor's Dannii Minogue baby excitement is still buzzing around the celeb circuit, with Dancing On Ice star Sinitta coming up with a cunning plan! The former 80s pop star has suggested that Cheryl Cole “should get pregnant” so that they can go head to head with the “battle of the bumps”.

Talking after the National Television Awards on Wednesday, where the celebs where fighting over themselves trying to rub Dannii’s pregnant tum, Sinitta admitted that she’s looking forward to the judge’s maternity outfits. “Dannii is going to have the most stylish bump on the planet. It will be so great seeing her pregnant while we are doing all the auditions,” she told the Daily Star.


However, whether Cheryl will follow in Dannii’s footsteps and have an X Factor baby is not clear, however the odds are high!
