Schoolchildren across the UK have been asked to help name a toy that is about to go on a journey into outer space. The nameless bear is being launched into space to mark the 25th anniversary of Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity, a charity that supports families who have a child with a life-threatening or terminal illness.


When the first teddy bear was launched into space three years ago, images of the bear along the curve of the Earth were captured, before its safe return to ground.

“This will be a truly memorable experience for the schoolchildren involved, not only will they get to learn about and experience launching a rocket into space; they will also get pictures of their bear in space, taken by a camera which will be sent up with the teddy,” said Alexa Follen from Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity.

Schools are being asked to hold a ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ or a ‘Space Themed Dress Down Day’ to raise at least £50 for the charity. For more info on what’s involved in getting a chance to name the bear, head to Rainbow Trust’s site.

The teddy is due to be launched into space on Friday 15th July.
