Fearne Cotton has posted her first blog since the birth of her and boyfriend Jesse Wood’s first baby, Rex, revealing daily tasks have become a little bit trickier.


The radio DJ, who is a self-confessed bake-a-holic, has certainly been whisking up a storm in the kitchen. Showcasing mouth-watering treats she’s baked for friends - including her own take on a traditional chocolate cake - Fearne clearly hasn’t lost her culinary edge. But as Fearne reveals, there’s an art to juggling all of your interests as a new mum:

“Watching films now I have a baby is slightly different. Before it was: Kettle on. Get blanket. Eat snacks. Relax. Now it goes like this: Kettle on. Bounce Rex up and down on my knee. Forget I put the kettle on. Put kettle on again. Start film. Pause film to change nappy. Forgot I put kettle on. Put kettle on again. Start watching film again. Rex cries. Pause film. Forgot I put kettle on. Can’t be bothered with a cup of tea. Repeat until film ends. Usual watching span 3 – 5 hours,” Fearne writes.

Gosh, that sounds familiar! New mums have all been there, right?

What did you do time and again (or forget to do) when you were a new mum? How many half finished tasks do you think you racked up? Let us know below…

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