New York city is set to pass a law allowing all pregnant women the right to park anywhere they want - and for free.


All mums-to-be will be given a special sign to put on their windscreen containing a doctor's note clarifying that they have problems moving around. This sign will allow them to park in no parking or no standing zones (disabled spaces) until 30 days after their due date.

The new baby bump friendly law is being introduced by New York city's councilman and Democrat, David Greenfield who came up with the idea after witnessing his wife's struggle to get around the city when she was pregnant.

"If I'm on a train and a pregnant woman walks in, I stand up and offer her my seat," he told the Daily Mail. "I consider this legislation to be the same thing. New York is a tough place to get around - this should make it a little bit easier."

This isn't the first time an American state has imposed these laws for mums-to-be, as Georgia and Oklahoma already has similar laws in place.

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We wonder if the same law could be imposed in the UK - David Cameron are you listening?!
