Check out this cheeky little monkey and his mega climbing skills! Mum-of-2 Alice Gray, from Falmouth, Cornwall, put the 2 stair gates in place to keep 21-month-old Leo safe in his room.


Leo had other ideas mind, and was up, over and out just 10 minutes after his mum had fixed them in place.

Alice told her local news website, Cornwall Live, that Leo had been a 'little monkey' since he learned to walk at only 9 months old, and has climbed out of everything she has put him in, from his cot, to his high chair and even his car seat.

The family have even had to NAIL their windows closed because Leo just sees them as an escape route (we're not giggling, honest).

Alice, 23, says Leo's behaviour is a bit of a shock to her and her partner Jordan Westlake, as their elder child, Olivia, almost 7, was an entirely different baby - totally laid back and chilled.

"It is just crazy," Alice told the paper. "He's been doing that since he could walk at 9 months. He's been quite full on and a bit of a handful. We don't have a minute's peace until he goes to bed."

The stunned mum said they had resorted to putting up 2 gates when Leo casually sauntered straight over a single one. But doubling up proved to be no match for the cheeky tot.

"That double stair gate hadn't even been up 10 minutes," Alice explained. "I thought he would be too scared.

"But he wasn't, he just did it. He's never fallen off anything. All he does is climb. Even at four months old he could lift stuff He's really strong. I've given birth to a super baby."

Alice confessed that keeping Leo in his room was 'such a mission' and that he was a total 'little escapist'.

"We're going to have a little Houdini on our hands," she said.

"We had to have the side off the cot because he was just climbing straight out. We had the side on for about 6 months last August and then it went downhill from there."

Alice admits that Leo's taste for adventure does leave her on edge though.

"He has just been crazy. He's always climbing up on the windowsills. We have to nail the window shut in the front room because he keeps climbing up on the window sills and opening the window. He can already unlock the front door and get out of it."

But given that he is such 'a character' the proud mum really has nothing but praise for her adorable little boy:

"He's the funniest baby I've ever met. He can say anything. He loves it. He's just grown up really fast. I think it's really cool as well. He rolled over when he was eight weeks old or two months. He's not been a baby long."

He's certainly keeping you on your toes Alice - and while our hearts are slightly in our mouths over Leo's escapades, we can't help but be a bit impressed!

Pics: Alice Gray/Facebook

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