OK, so there are SOME parents who are uber-organised and have a million and 12 'lunch box hacks' like making a whole term's worth of sandwiches and freezing them in advance, or who can turn any old fridge leftover into a veritable Fortnum and Mason picnic basket-style lunchbox.


Then there's the rest of us. And Jason Manford.

The comedian took to Facebook to share that oh-so-familiar what-to-put-in-the lunchbox rage, complete with in-the-supermarket sad-face photo. He wrote:

"I'm simply not cut out to be a 'packed-lunch parent'! Don't have the organisational skills to prepare in advance and do my job!

"After the longest ever day, popping in to Asda for wafer thin ham and carrot sticks is not my idea of fun! #schooldinnersrule"

Oh yes Jason. We get EXACTLY how you feel. ?

Of course, we know that with a little bit of forethought and prep, packed lunches CAN be super-easy and the best option for some kids, but let's be honest - even if we manage them most of the time, we've still pulled that face in the supermarket when our little darlings decide the ham sarnies they've wolfed down since the year dot no longer cut the mustard, or the school introduces some bizarre rules that yoghurt with bits in or anything yellow is now banned...

Jason's Facebook followers were quick to sympathise with the dad-of-5, too.

"You've captured the horrid late-night madness all parents suffer perfectly. This really tickled me! Got to admit it's great seeing a typical Dad moaning ?" wrote one.

Another admitted she was 'ok at having the stuff in (except I always run out of bread) - what I struggle with is places to hide it from our teenage son. Literally nothing is safe including fruit - full food shop gone in 3 days."

Our fave was prob this one though - which kind of totally sums up everything we know about kids and their food rationale full stop:

"Yup, know that feeling - with a fussy son I have to have packed lunch stuff in every day because he won't go school dinners.

"But on the other side is my daughter who doesn't even look at the menu, just picks a school lunch based on her favourite colour of tray that day lol."

All the yesses, right?

And - we wonder if Jason's kids are all on school dinners as from today? ?

Pic: Jason Manford/Facebook

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