It is of course every parents job to embarrass their kids as much as possible, and it's good to know that stands if you are a normal mum or indeed a supermodel like Kate Moss!


Kate's tween-age daughter has admitted her mum is an embarrassment to her and also annoying!

Obviously not living by her mother's 'never complain, never explain' mantra, Lila spilled the beans about her home life with the world's most famous clothes horse on the controversial website.

The youngster also revealed that she had no plans to follow in her mum's footsteps and take to the catwalk when asked about what she might do in the future, writing:

"Mayb a fashion designer idrk but defo not a model (sic)."

And just like every other girl her age, Lila had opinions on One Direction (Harry is her fave - natch) and Miley Cyrus, saying the latter is not some one she looks up to anymore!

"Wanted to b her before she became ..... She was my EVEYTHING for like 5 years and then..," before ending with a a sad face emoticon.

It would seem that Lila is a very sensible and mature young lady for her years - we can't help but wonder if there is a bit of an Ab Fab Edina and Saffy relationship going on with her and her party-girl mum?!

Photo: Getty

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