All parents can relate to the kids'-meltdown-in-a-supermarket story - but not all of us come out the other side with such a positive tale as mum-of-two Amanda Wilkins.


Amanda's two little girls are both registered blind and have autism. The family were just finishing up their shopping trip at Morrisons in Basingstoke when, no doubt quite overwhelmed by it all, the girls went into meltdown mode at the till.

Cue Lin Lisle-Fenwick, a till operator, who immediately stepped in to calm the situation by letting one of the girls, Holly, scan through all the shopping, and in doing so, made her day - and probably her year.

The children's mum posted a heart-warming message on her Facebook page about what happened and it quickly went viral, with a whopping 568k likes and more than 107,000 shares.

Amanda wrote: "I would like to say a massive thank you to the lady in the photo (sorry didn't see her name) who helped me today at Morrisons in Basingstoke.

"I have two children that are both registered blind and are also autistic. As you can imagine shopping is not an easy thing for me to do, at the checkout both girls decided to go into meltdown and this very kind lady decided to help instead of judge. It doesn't happen very often!

"She distracted my daughter by letting her scan all my shopping. A dream come true for Holly who loves playing 'shops'.

"It melts my heart to come across people that are prepared to go the extra mile, and little acts of kindness make a massive difference to my world.

"I hope this gets back to her and she knows how much we appreciate it."

The post soon attracted tons of comments and reached the ears of Morrisons' social media team who contacted Amanda to thank her for writing her post - and to heap praise on their team member.

"Well, I don't know where to start with this one Amanda - just reading this story has brought a tear to my eye," the Morrisons' rep posted. "What an amazing lady (Lin) is and what a credit she is to our company, we are very proud to say she works for Morrisons.

"Lin is a great role model for all of us here at Morrisons.

"It's amazing how something small can make a massive difference to others and it's lovely to hear that one of your daughters' dreams has been brought to life by this act of kindness.

"I'm sure Lin will be looking forward to seeing you are your family in the store again."

Aw isn't this lovely? We ALL know how mortifying it can be when our kids throw a bit of a wobbly when we're out - and how amazing it is when someone steps in to help out. If only there were more Lins about!

(Do let us know if you have had a 'Lin' save the day in the face of a toddler tantrum!)

Photo: Facebook/Amanda Wilkins

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