Sadly, reports about babies dying in hot cars - especially in the USA, where temperatures are much hotter than here - aren't as rare as we'd hope.


But while the facts around such cases are frequently shared, it's not often you get to hear firsthand from the parents involved in such tragedies.

So we were very moved to hear the story of one mum (unnamed but pictured above) who has decided to tell the world of her experience.

She explains how on the morning her baby died, the family were in a hurry, so her husband, who, she said, "was trying to bless me", offered to take her older kids to school (which she'd normally do) as well as dropping baby Lily off to daycare.

Only - he forgot to take Lily to daycare - and instead went about his business as usual, leaving the baby in the hot car.

Later, the husband even went to pick Lily up from daycare, to be told: "She hasn't been here all day."


The mum told her local TV station: "There were 15 seconds of: "How could he do that?" but afterwards, she says, because of her faith in God, "instant forgiveness washed over me".

The dad has been too upset to talk about what happened, but the mother involved writes to other bereaved parents and has spoken out in order to try and stop a similar tragedy happening again. Watch the full interview here.

No charges were filed and police reported what happened as an accident.

While, as we've mentioned, most hot car incidents don't happen in the UK, they still come as a sober warning to ensure your child is safe and not overheated while in your vehicle.

Our thoughts are with the family at this time ?

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
