Pro-surfer Bethany Hamilton has spoken out about her post-baby body. And no, it's not to boast what great shape she's in (although she does look fantastic), instead acknowledging that it's "silly for us as women to worry about our body as we grow a human being inside of us". Hear, hear!


Sharing a picture of herself 2 months after giving birth to her first baby Tobias, Bethany says: "It's natural and HEALTHY to gain weight." Well, of course it is, but the more we say it, the more we can stop all the nonsense about 'snapping back' straight after having a baby.

The 25-year-old is well known for being a go-getter – she only achieved her dream of becoming a pro-surfer after losing her left arm in a shark attack. Bethany was just 13 when she was attacked by a shark while surfing in Hawaii. After losing 60% of the blood in her body she was lucky to survive – but just 4 years later she began competing professionally, and in 2010 she was ranked no 20 in the world.

She took a brief break from the sport earlier this year to have her first son with husband Adam Dirks. But Bethany is already back on the waves. You go girl!

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