Children waving at parents in the crowd, a few forgotten lines and missed cues are all part of the fun of school nativity plays. But what happens if a teacher loses the Jesus doll?!


Well luckily for the teacher at Wellow House Preparatory School, there just so happened to be a perfect stand-in for baby Jesus in the audience. A 6-month-old baby, Josh, stepped into the doll's shoes and was lain in Jesus's manger to play the role of a lifetime.

His siblings were among the cast of 3 to 7 year olds in the nativity play. Josh might have been quite a bit bigger than a real newborn – but the audience were still pretty impressed!

"He was very well-behaved, he was so good and even turned for the camera on cue! He was very peaceful and just laid in the manger," said Joanna Crook, head at the school.

What's the strangest thing that's ever happened at your child's school Christmas play? Let us know in the comments!

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