Danielle tweets with us about all things parenting...


@PPPMAGAZINE: What's the best thing about being a mum to Archie, 2, and Harry, 18 months?

@MissDLloyd: Just seeing my sons smile and when they cuddle me, they make me feel so special.

@PPPMAGAZINE: How did you keep a positive attitude through Harry's health issues after he was born ten weeks premature?

@MissDLloyd: It was really hard because I had Archie to look after, too. It was very tiring but my mum and my husband, Jamie, were a great help.

@PPPMAGAZINE: What are your three mummy must-haves?

@MissDLloyd: Baby wipes are essential - the children are always dirty! Plenty of dummies as I'm forever losing them, and the iPad to keep the boys entertained when we're out.

@PPPMAGAZINE: Do you think you and Jamie are strict parents?

@MissDLloyd: We both try be strict, but I guess I am more so. Jamie likes to be a big kid with the boys.

@PPPMAGAZINE: What is the funniest thing the boyd have said to you?

@MissDLloyd: Archie is so funny, he always says boobies. Once he came into my room with one of my bras on. It was hilarious. I took a picture to show him when he's older!

@PPPMAGAZINE: If you could wave a magic 'mum wand' what would you like help with?

@MissDLloyd: Potty training as it's so difficult, espcially with boys.

@PPPMAGAZINE: What are you looking forward to the most as the boys get older?

@MissDLloyd: Their first days at school. But to be honest, I look forward to everything, as every day brings something new and fun.

@PPPMAGAZINE: What tips would you give a new mum?

@MissDLloyd: Try to sleep when your baby sleeps, and if you're finding it hard, make sure you speak to your friends or family to get some help.

@PPPMAGAZINE: Are the boys very different or quite similar in their personalities?

@MissDLloyd: They're different. Harry is sensitive but always smiling and laughing. Archie is a little bruiser and stubborn - he takes after his dad.

@PPPMAGAZINE: Do you plan to have any more children?


@MissDLloyd: I'd love to have more. Hopefully a girl, but not anytime soon - two boys are a handful.
