Less than a week after dad Dave Brown was dubbed ‘superdad’ for delivering, and reviving his baby daughter Maisie, another dad has performed the same heroics.


Dad Jon Lock sprung into action to save the life of his newborn daughter Ava after his fiancée Lucy gave birth on the bathroom floor in just seven minutes.

With the ambulance struggling to reach his home in time, dad Jon remembered what he had seen doctors do on TV dramas and gently used his little finger to clear Ava’s mouth.

"Lucy had gone to have a bath and I decided to go to the petrol station two minutes away in the very unlikely event we needed to go to the hospital. When I came out I had a missed call and rang Lucy who screamed down the phone 'Get here now!” Jon told the Bristol Evening Post.

"I rushed back and ran into the bathroom, where she was on the floor in pain. I got down between her legs and got my phone out of my pocket to ring an ambulance but just as I did that I had to catch the baby's head as it came out.

"She pushed one more time and the baby came out into my hands but was blue and not breathing. I had the baby in one hand and my phone in the other. The ambulance service were asking me to spell where we lived but I was saying my baby is blue what do I do?

"I decided the baby may have something in its mouth so I gently ran my little finger around the inside of its mouth, like I had seen on the television.

"It's face scrunched up and it started crying – it was such a relief. I wrapped it in a blanket and handed it to Lucy.

"When the ambulance arrived somebody asked if it was a boy or a girl and we had to look because we had not even checked. It really was an express delivery. Had I been at work I would never have made it back in time.


"If Lucy gets pregnant again I shall definitely be enrolling on a midwifery course because while I wouldn't change that experience for the world, it was pretty terrifying," said dad Jon.
