It has been reported on the Yahoo Shine website that Jackie Johnson-Smith, 33, a stay-at-home mother from Ankeny, Iowa was celebrating her birthday at a pizza restaurant with her husband and 3 children when her youngest child needed to be fed. So Jackie threw on a nursing cover and began discreetly breastfeeding her 12-month-old.


She told Yahoo Shine: “I usually don’t like to breastfeed in public because people can be judgmental,

“The waitress kept walking by, and I was worried she didn’t want me nursing in the restaurant.”

Eventually, to avoid any further disturbance as her child was crying, she retreated to the family car and continued to nurse her baby there.

Shortly after, Jackie’s husband and kids returned to the car with a lovely surprise. They showed her the receipt from the meal with a handwritten note from their waitress on it that read: I bought one of your pizzas. Please thank your wife for breastfeeding!’

When Jackie got home, she posted a photo of the receipt on Facebook accompanied with the message:

“I have breastfed three children... I have breastfed them in a countless number of places both pleasant and unpleasant, discreetly and out in the open. I have gotten many looks and stares, but tonight erases any negativity I have ever received. I ate at Fongs for the first time tonight. Having a fussy baby I nursed him for a while in the booth and eventually left the table early as to not disrupt the restaurant. The waitress gave this receipt to my husband. I was speechless and emotional. Although I don't need a pat on the back for feeding my child, it sure felt amazing. It is amazing how we women can make each other feel when we empower each other."

Yahoo reports that the photo has been shared over 2,000 times and received more than 100 likes on Facebook.

Waitress Bodi Kinney, 33, told Yahoo Shine, “I noticed Johnson-Smith nursing and was so thrilled she did it. I tried not to stare because I didn’t want to seem creepy or make her feel uncomfortable, but I felt like doing jumping jacks.”

Kinney, a mother herself, is familiar with the burden of breastfeeding in public. “Although I nurse my baby no matter where I am—at the supermarket, in clothing stores—people often react negatively. Recently, I had to leave my daughter’s school play to nurse my 8-month-old for fear of offending someone. I wanted to let this woman know in some shape or form, that she was doing the right thing.”


