Baby girl names beginning with A – with origins and meanings
Looking for baby name ideas for a girl that start with the 1st letter of the alphabet? We’ve got some amazing suggestions, along with their origin and meaning
Read our list of great baby girl names beginning with A and their origins and meanings to find out whether your daughter could be an Aashi, April or Avis
1. Aahna
- Origin: Indian
- Meaning: First rays of the sun
- Also: Aashni
2. Aarohi
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: A musical note
3. Aashi
- Origin: Hindi
- Meaning: Beautiful smile
4. Abana
More like this
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: Strong personality
5. Abbie
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: a father's joy
- Also: Abigail
6. Abigail
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: father’s happiness’
- Also: Abbie, Abby, Gail
7. Abira
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: strong or heroic
8. Absco
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: an innovative mind
9. Acacia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: the name of a plant
10. Achebe
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: protected by the Almighty
11. Ada
- Origin: German
- Meaning: noble
- Also: Adah, Adelaide, Adela
12. Adaeh
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: responsible
13. Adah
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: decoration
- Also: Ada
14. Adama
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: red; the feminine form of Adam
15. Adamma
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: beauty
16. Adana
- Origin: Swahili
- Meaning: first daughter
- Also: Ada
17. Adar
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: fire
18. Adela
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: noble
- Also: Addie, Addy, Adele (French form)
19. Adéle
- Origin: French
- Meaning: noble
- Also: Adelaide
20. Adelaide
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: high-born
- Also: Ada
21. Adeline
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: noble
- Also: Alina, Aline, Adelyn, Adelynn
22. Adelphia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: sisterly
23. Adina
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: responsible
24. Adolpha
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: noble wolf
25. Adora
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: cherished gift
26. Adorabella
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: lovely gift
27. Adrienne
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: from Adria
- Also: Adrianne, Adriana
28. Agatha
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: good
- Also: Aggie, Aggy
29. Aglaia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: beautiful
30. Agnes
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: pure
- Alos: Aggie, Aggy, Nessa, Nessie, Nesta, Annis, Inez (Spanish form)
31. Aiko
- Origin: Japanese
- Meaning: beloved one
32. Aileen
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: bright, shining one; the Irish form is Eileen
33. Ailsa
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: a place name used as a first name, derived from Ailsa Craig, the rock off the Scottish south-west coast
34. Ainsley
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: one's own meadow; also used as a boy’s name
35. Aisha
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: flourishing
- Also: Aiesha, Ayisha, Ayesha
36. Aisling
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: dream
- Also: Aisleen
37. Aithne
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: Fire
- Also: Aine
38. Aiysha
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: complete and powerful person
39. Alana
- Origin: Celtic
- Meaning: unknown; the feminine form of Alan
- Also: Alanna, Lana.
40. Alberta
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: noble and bright; the feminine form of Albert
41. Albina
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: fair-haired
- Also: Albinia
42. Alcina
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: strong of mind
43. Alda
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: old
44. Aldora
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: high-born
45. Alethea
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: truth
46. Alexandra
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: defender of men; – the feminine form of Alexander
- Also: Alexandria, Alexandrina, Sandra, Sandie, Sandy Lexie, Lexy
47. Alexis
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: helpmate
- Also: Alexia, Alexa
48. Alfreda
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: good counsellor; the feminine form of Alfred
- Also: Elfreda, Elfrida, Freda
49. Alia
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: all
50. Alia
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: supreme
51. Alice
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: noble
- Also: Alicia, Alisha, Alyssa, Alissa, Alysia, Ailish, Ali, Allie, Alley, Elke (German form)
52. Alida
- Origin: German
- Meaning: noble kin
- Also: Adelaide
53. Alima
- Origin: Arab
- Meaning: musical
54. Aline
- Origin: French
- Meaning: graceful and noble
- Also: Adeline
55. Alison
- Origin: French
- Meaning: Alice's son
- Also: Allison, Allyson, Allie, Ally.
56. Alissa
- Origin: English
- Meaning: noble
- Also: Alice
57. Allegra
- Origin: Italian
- Meaning: cheerful, full of life
58. Alma
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: loving, kind
59. Almira
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: princess
60. Alta
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: noble
61. Althea
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: virtuous
- Also: Thea
62, Alura
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: counsellor
63. Alvina
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: dear friend
- Also: Vina
64. Alyth
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: ascending, rising; name of a town in Perth and Kinross, Scotland
65. Amabel
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: endearing
- Also: Mabel
66. Amalia
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: work
- Also: Amelia
67. Amaira
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: beloved princess, beautiful
68. Amahle
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: beautiful gift
69. Amanda
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: fit to be loved
- Also: Manda, Mandy
70. Amar
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: Possess great strength
71. Amaryllis
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: to sparkle; the name of a flower
72. Amber
- Origin: Persian
- Meaning: name of the rare gemstone
73. Ambrin
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: ambergris, a sweet substance used in the manufacture of perfume
- Also: Ambreen
74. Ambrosine
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: pertaining to the immortals; the feminine form of Ambrose
75. Amelia
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: labour
- Also: Amalia, Amalie, Amalita, Milly
76. Amethyst
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: name of a gemstone used as a first name
77. Amina
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: honest
- Also: Amena, Aamena
78. Aminta
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: protector
- Also: Amynta, Minta, Minty
79. Amrita
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: water of life
80. Amy
- Origin: Old French
- Meaning: beloved
- Also: Aimée (French form), Amata, Aimie.
81. Anais
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: plentiful
82. Ananda
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: Happiness
- Also: Anandi, Anandamayi
83. Anastasia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: resurrection
- Also: Nastasia, Stacey, Stacy, Eustacia
84. Ancilla
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: handmaid
85. Andrea
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: manly; the feminine form of Andrew
- Also: Andrée, Andrene, Andrena, Andrina
86. Aneka
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: God's grace
- Also:Ann
87. Angela
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: messenger
- Also: Angel, Angelique, Angelica, Angeline, Angie
88. Angelica
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: angelic
89. Angharad
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: well-loved
90. Anika
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: graceful, brilliant or sweet-faced; one of the many names for the Goddess Durga
91. Anila
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: air
92. Ann
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: favoured by God, the name is derived from Hannah
- Also: Anne, Anna, Anita, Annette, Anona; Nan, Nanette, Nancy, Annie; Aneka (Dutch form) Anneka (Dutch form), Nina (Russian form)
93. Annabel
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: uncertain
- Also: Annabelle, Annabella, Bella, Belle
94. Anona
- Origin: possibly the Welsh form of Ann
- Also: Annona, Nona
95. Anora
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: beauty
- Also: Annora
96. Anthea
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: flowery
97. Antonia
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: worthy of praise; the feminine form of Antony
- Also: Antoinette, Toni, Tonya, Net, Nettie
98. Anwen
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: beautiful
99. Aphra
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: dust
- Also: Afra
100. April
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: name of the month used as a first name
- Also: Avril (French form)
101. Arabbella
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: obliging
- Also: Arabel, Arabelle, Bel, Belle and Bella
102. Araminta
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: protector
- Also: Minta, Minty
103. Aretha
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: virtue
- Also: Areta, Aretta
104. Argenta
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: silver
105. Aria
- Origin: Italian
- Meaning: air or a song
106. Ariadne
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: very holy
- Also: Arianne (French form), Arianna (Italian form)
107. Ariel
- Origin: Hebrew, Spanish
- Meaning: lion of God
- Also: Arial, Arielle
108. Arizona
- Origin: American
- Meaning: small spring
109. Arlene
- Origin: Uncertain, possibly Irish Gaelic
- Meaning: possibly feminine form of Arlen, from Irish Gaelic meaning pledge, promise
- Also: Arleen and Arline
110. Arminel
- Origin: German
- Meaning: derived from Hermine, composed from the two Germanic elements meaning army and man
- Also: Armine
111. Artemisia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: belonging to Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon and hunting
112. Aruna
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: reddish brown
- Also: Arumina
113. Arya
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: wise or noble
114. Asha
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: hope and desire
115. Ashley
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: ash field; also used as a boy’s name
116. Asma
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: eminent and powerful
117. Aspasia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: welcome
118. Astrid
- Origin: Old Norse
- Meaning: strong god
119. Atalanta
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: name of a beautiful girl in Greek mythology who said that she would only marry a man who could run faster than herself
120. Athene
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: name of a Greek goddess
- Also: Athena
121. Athol
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: name of a district in both Scotland and Ireland
122. Audrey
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: noble strength
123. Augusta
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: reverenced
- Also: Augustina, Gus, Gussie
124. Aurea
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: golden
125. Aurelia
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: golden
- Also: Auriel, Oriel, Oriole
126. Aurora
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: name of the goddess of the dawn
127. Ava
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: life, bird, water, island
128. Aveline
- Origin: Norman French
- Meaning: desired; hazelnut
- Also: Evelyn
129. Averil
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: born in the month of April
- Also: Averill
130. Avis
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: bird
131. Azima
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: tenacious
132. Azure
- Origin: French
- Meaning: blue
- Also: Azura
About our author Catherine Ball
Catherine Ball is a freelance journalist who specialises in writing about parenting and health. She has been a journalist for 20 years, writing for a wide range of regional and national publications. She is also mum to 4 children between the ages 3 and 12, so has drawn up many, many lists of baby names over the past few years.
Illustration: Emma Winchester
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- 1000 baby girl names – and their meanings
- Baby girl names beginning with Z
- Baby girl names beginning with B
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