93 clever pregnancy announcement ideas for partners, parents, family and friends
Looking for a special way to tell your partner you're pregnant? A brilliant way to tell your family and friends? A cute, creative or funny way to announce it on social media? We've gathered the most amazing ideas right here...

It's happening: you're having a baby! And now you want to share your news – in various stages and in various ways– with your partner, your parents, your wider family, your best friends and, basically, the whole wide world.
So now you want ideas: ideas for announcing your pregnancy to one special person; ideas for announcing your pregnancy to a group, in real life and online, and ideas for announcing your pregnancy on social media.
Maybe you're looking for something cute or something funny? Or something stylish or uber-creative? Maybe you want to drop hints with some cryptic? Or keep it straight up and direct?
Do you want to involve your partner? Your other children? Your pets? And what about a props or a theme – seasonal, perhaps, or meaningful to those who know you?
There's a lot to think about but we've got lots of clever ideas right here to get you started. So, whether it's your 1st pregnancy or your 4th, whether you want to say it with gifts or pics or or surprises or personalised babygros, whether you want to include Halloween pumpkins, excited siblings or your tabby cat, we've found all sorts of smart, amazing, unusual pregnancy announcement ideas to inspire you,
Here are 93 brilliant ideas for announcing your pregnancy...
Pregnancy announcement idea for your partner | Pregnancy announcement idea for your parents | Pregnancy announcement idea for your family | Pregnancy announcement ideas for best friends | Popular social media pregnancy announcement ideas | Funny social media pregnancy announcement ideas | Creative social media pregnancy announcement ideas | Second pregnancy announcement ideas | Pregnancy announcement ideas with siblings | Pregnancy announcement ideas for twins | Pregnancy announcement ideas for Christmas | Pregnancy announcement ideas for Easter | Pregnancy announcement ideas for Halloween | Pregnancy announcement ideas for New Year | Pregnancy announcement ideas for pets
Pregnancy announcement ideas for your husband or partner
You'll tell your partner before you tell anyone else and way before you're ready to announce your pregnancy to the world. So, though these ideas vary in simplicity and price, they'll all about sharing a wonderful secret between just the two of you...

1. Add a special note to a pregnancy test
Make the positive-pregnancy-test reveal super-special by attaching a hand-written note, like Ellie Pyner from our MadeForMums Top Testers Club did (see her pic, above), saying how much it means to you that you and your partner are having a baby together.
2. Pose in a booth
If your first date had a memorable photo booth moment, why not go back to where it all started and take pics of you posing with your positive pregnancy test?
3. Hide it in a cuppa
Pregnancy announcement cups, like this one from Etsy, are a fun way to announce the news: the words "We're having a baby!" are slowly revealed on the bottom of the cup as your partner finishes their drink.
4. Deliver a cute package

Wrap up a little gift box containing some baby clothing and toys and add a little, loving note telling them the news. Don't forget to capture the moment he unwraps it with a pic!
5. Book a couple photoshoot – and tell him mid-snap
Hire a photographer and take your partner out for a photoshoot. Tip the photographer off that you'll be telling your partner you're pregnant during the shoot. Your partner will have no idea until you drop the big news on them – and snap! – you should have an amazing shot of your partner's surprise and delight.
6. Exercise your imagination
This is a nice one for a partner who's into their sports. Hide a baby bib in their gym bag, with a note saying, "We'll be needing this soon." Or, if they're a footie fan, slip a pic of your positive pregnancy test into their season-ticket wallet or pin it to their team scarf.
7. Break it with a playlist
Make a Spotify playlist of nursery rhymes and lullabies, give it a title – either cryptic ("For September" or whatever month your baby is due) or straight up ("For Daddy/Mummy") and add your partner as a collaborator.
Pregnancy announcement ideas for your parents and grandparents
Your parents and your partner's parents will probably be next on the list of people to tell. At this stage, you probably still want to keep things relatively quiet and away from social media, so these ideas are personal and relatively low-key. Several of them are centred around pictures of your 1st scan photos (which you'll get 12 weeks or so into your pregnancy) but we've included other ideas in case you can't wait that long...
8. Buy a personalised babygro

There are some really lovely personalised messages you can choose to put on a teeny, weeny babygro, like this one (pictured) from Georgia Lollipop on Esty: a cute and affordable way to tell your parents and/or in-laws you are pregnant.
9. Write a letter from your baby
It's simple and sweet: write a letter from your baby to their grandparents-to-be, saying how much they're looking forward to meeting them soon. Write it out on some pretty paper and send it by mail – it'll be something your baby's grandparents-to-be can keep and treasure.
10. Present a 'Promoted to Grandad' T-shirt
You can find lots of 'promoted to' T-shirts, created specially to announce a pregnancy announcement to grandparents-to-be. Whatever term – from Nana or Nonna to Grandy or Grandpa– you think your parents or in-laws would like to be known as by your baby-to-be, there should be a T-shirt that's right. We like these ones from Etsy for a Nana and Grandad.
11. Say it with biscuits

Make or order some biscuits iced with pregnancy-reveal messages and present them in a box with a copy of your scan pic, like Kim Shawver from our Top Testers Club did (see her pic, above). "I made some special biscuits for my mum and stepdad with our 7-week scan photo," she says. "We'd had 3 failed IVF cycles and were about to go out to Greece for our 4th cycle when we found out and were in complete shock!"
12. Buy them special scratch cards
There are 2 different ways to do this, depending on people whether you're announcing your news to are lottery scratch cards fans or not. For those who are, you can find lots of lottery-lookalike cards that scratch off to reveal "We're expecting a baby!" If they aren't, there are some lovely voucher-style or greeting-card-style alternatives that feature a similar scratch-off announcement. We like this white-and-gold one from Not on the High Street.
13. Pass them a dummy

Create a special gift package with a dummy inside – with a note saying, "We're giving this to you to keep at your house for when Mummy and Daddy forget..." Then wait for the smiles to appear
14. Frame a scan photo
It's a classic – but for good reason. A framed ultrasound picture is a real bringer of baby-to-be joy for prospective grandparents. One for the wall or mantlepiece, for sure! And, later on, it'll look lovely next to a similarly framed pic of their newly arrived grandchild.
15. Reveal it with cake
Going round for a family dinner soon? Buy or bake a cake and use an icing pen to write, "We’re having a baby!" on top of it. Take the cake along, strategically hidden away in a box or tin, and then unbox it with a flourish and wait for everyone to read the message.
16. Wrap a pack of nappies
Nothing but practical, this one! Beautifully wrap a pack of newborn nappies. Your parents/in-laws will get a huge surprise and a starter stash of supplies for when their new grandchild comes for a visit...
17. Say it with a book

Place a classic children's book about 'Mummy having a baby' on their coffee table during a visit and wait until they catch on. You may want to make things a little more obvious more quickly by adding a scan photo, like Nirali Shah from our Top Testers Club did (see her pic, above)...
18. Customise a game of charades
If your parents/in-laws like a games night, you could smuggle your pregnancy announcement into the next family session by adapting one of the games you're playing to spread your news. So, if you're playing Scrabble for instance, you could spell out 'Baby' (this might require a little advance pocketing of Scrabble tiles!). Or if you're playing charades, you could act out a (made-up) film/book/TV show called 'We are pregnant'.
19. Gift a grandparent reveal mug
There are quite a few lovely variations on the mug with the hidden "We're pregnant" message at the bottom (see no 3). You can get ones that say, "We're going to have a baby" or that you can customise to say, "You're going to be a granny" (or whatever). We like this one from Not on the High Street.
20. Spell it out in flour
If one of the grandparents-to-be likes baking, invite them over for a pie or bread-making session and when it's time to spread the worktop with flour for kneading dough or rolling out pastry, sprinkle out a bit more than usual and write an extra-special message for your co-baker in it.
21. Give them a (blank) congratulations card

Buy blank congratulations cards and just include the scan photo inside. Watch their faces as they realise why they're being congratulated!
When to tell? Should I wait till the 12-week scan? Or maybe later?
The best time to announce your pregnancy is much debated – and will much depend on who you're telling, as much as when. You're likely to want to tell your partner very early on– and maybe some close family. But as for "going public", it's become accepted that it's best to wait until you've had your 1st scan at 12 weeks – because then you'll know your pregnancy's been officially confirmed and your risk of miscarriage has been substantially reduced.
Saying that, you may find you want to tell more people before 12 weeks – for various reasons – and that's fine. You definitely shouldn't feel that you can't. Here are some of the things you may want to weigh up before deciding what to do:
Pros of waiting till 12 weeks:
- Your chances of miscarriage will have significantly decreased
- You'd can really revel in the excitement, as the worst of your morning sickness should (hopefully!) be over
- You can include your scan pic in your announcement
- You've got more time to dream up a really creative announcement
Cons of waiting till 12 weeks:
- You can't openly talk about feeling unwell with morning sickness or other pregnancy symptoms
- You'll have to come up with a reason why you're not drinking
- You may have to find clever ways to hide your bump if it's already starting to show
- If the worst happens and do you miscarry, it may be harder/more painful to ask for support
Pregnancy announcements ideas for your family
OK, so now you're ready to tell everyone in your wider family – either at a family gathering or by sharing a message in your family WhatsApp group or maybe even posting something on social media, keeping it restricted to a special few. Now you need ideas that'll work for a group of people and have a little more visual impact...
22. Draw a sand message

Take advantage of a seaside holiday or a trip to a beach and use a stick to mark the sand with your pregnancy announcement. Take a pic and share it.
23. Make a meal – with a babyish dessert
Invite your family round for a meal or a takeaway. After the main course, say you've got something special for dessert – and bring out bowls of jelly and ice cream, saying you thought you'd make some kiddie treats as there'll soon be another kid in the family...
24. Say cheese
Host a family event and gather everyone round for a photo that you or your partner says they're going to take. Then instead of shouting, "Cheese!" just before snapping the pic, shout "We’re having a baby!" You should capture some amazing reactions in the pic.
25. Organise a group video call

Keep things simple – and effective – with a 'mystery' video call, where you hold up your scan pic and get to watch everyone's reactions all at once. Make sure you get a screenshot as you do it: Jenna Baguley from our Top Testers Club used this pic (above) to announce her pregnancy on social media.
26. Mail out some gorgeous cards
Announcements cards sent by post are very traditional but can be a great option for letting family members absorb the news in their own time – and then ring you for an excited phone call. There are lots of gorgeous cards to order online and many have a little slot for you to slip in a copy of the scan photo, which is a lovely extra touch. We really like this "Someone Wants to Say Hello" card from Poppy Forrest.
27. Wear a Baby on Board badge
Simply turn up to the next family gathering with a Baby on Board badge pinned to your top. And then wait to see who notices first...
28. Turn it into a movie

Stage a photo that you can then use to mock up a film poster pregnancy announcement, like this one above (via Juliann Parmly). Share it with your family – and frame your copy for posterity.
29. Give everyone a board book
Buy a set of baby books and wrap them up individually, then give everyone in your family book to unwrap. When they ask why you've got them a copy of That's Not My Teddy, tell them it's so they can practise reading it out loud, ready for the new arrival...
30. Play it by the letter
Write out "I'm pregnant" in very spaced capital letters on some card and then cut the card up so that each letter is separate. Invite everyone round – or organise a group video call. Give everyone a letter as they come in – or in advance of the call. If you're inviting more than 10 people, you'll need to lengthen the sentence – "We are pregnant", maybe, or "Baby on the way"; if you're inviting less than 10, you can give some people more than 1 letter. Once everyone's assembled, tell them to hold up their letter(s) for everyone else to see – and wait for them to work it out.
Pregnancy announcement ideas for best friends
You'll want to tell your besties before you announce to everyone on social media. So here are some low-key but special ideas for those new aunties-to-be...
31. Put your scan pic in the group chat

Sometimes, you don't need words. Just share a pic of your ultrasound image to your besties' Whatsapp group chat..
32. Say it with emojis
Send your friends a bunch of baby-inspired emojis and then just wait.
33. Photobomb them
Get everyone together for a group pic (not taken by you). Stand at the back and, when the "Cheese!" moment comes, hold up a (prepared) sign saying "I'm pregnant!"
34. Have a bun in the oven

Invite your friends round for tea/coffee and, once everyone's sitting down, say, "Silly me. I forgot the food! Well, I do have a bun in the oven..."
35. Stick to the Virgin Mojitos
On your next girls' night out, rely on the fact that you're sticking to soft drinks as a silent prompt for someone to ask why you're not drinking.
36. Personalise a bottle
Take along a bottle to your next meet-up but make it one with a personalised label announcing your pregnancy and the due date. We like this "Drink for me – because I can't" label idea from Farrah and Eve on Etsy.
Popular social media pregnancy announcement ideas
There are a handful of social media pregnancy announcements that are simply classics. They're sweet, direct, visually pleasing – and endlessly adaptable, so you can put your own style and spin on them...
37. Line up the shoes

Take a picture of your shoes, your partner's shoes and, next to them, a pair of baby shoes. If you like, you can add a scan photo above the baby shoes, as Olivia Arnold from our Top Testers Club did in her pic (above). Obviously, if you already have a child (or children), you can just add in their shoes, too.
38. Use a message board

"It's simple but it made everyone smile," says Hannah Wheeler from our Top Testers Club, who announced her baby with this lovely message board montage. The beauty of a message board – or a chalkboard or a lightbox – is that, once you've used it to spell out your pregnancy announcement, you can then re-use it at different stages of your pregnancy to mark the growth of your bump week by week, say, or count down the weeks until the birth.
39. Get techy

Post a drawing of a rectangle with a bar halfway across it, and the words "Loading..." You can add baby footprints or your due date to bring the message home. If you're very artistic, you could use body paint to draw the 'Loading…' sign onto your baby bump.
40. Mark the IVF journey

A beautiful way to acknowledge the often complicated and stressful road to conception when IVF is involved is to place your scan and a personalised babygro at the centre of a circle of syringes, like Rhiannon Jefferson, from our Top Testers Club did (see her pic, above). "We announced our little IVF miracle with ALL the needles used to make him," she says.
41. Circle the calendar date

Create a montage of baby props, including your scan pic or your pregnancy test, and lay them on a page from a calendar with your due date circled in marker pen.
42. Celebrate your rainbow baby

With a pregnancy announcement after a miscarriage or stillbirth, it often feels right to include a tribute to your previous loss. We love this rainbow-striped flatlay underneath the ultrasound photo in the announcement posted by Evie Collard from our Top Testers Club.
43. Signpost the bump

Find a 'bump' road sign and take a selfie in front of it. This is way easier in the US, where they have road signs saying 'Bump ahead' like the one above; in the UK, the signs tend to say 'Speed bumps ahead' – so you'll have to do some strategic positioning of your hands to cover up the 'speed' and the 's' on 'bumps'!
44. Peg out baby clothes on a line

String a line up inside or out and peg onto it some baby clothes or little toys. Simple but highly effective.
Funny social media pregnancy announcement ideas
Once you're ready to share your pregnancy more widely, you may want to celebrate your news with a post that'll bring a smile to everyone's face. Here are some of our favourite funny ideas...
45. Raise an (empty) glass

Post a pic of an empty wine or spirit glass, with the caption: "Don't fill until [insert due date]", like Charlie Fletcher from our Top Testers Club did (see her pic, above).
46. Sing like BabyShark
Record yourself singing along to the Baby Shark song but when you get to "little shark doo doo doo doo", sing "little shark due due due due" instead. And then you can put your due date below.
47. Get the bibs on
Take a selfie of you and your partner wearing bibs and feeding each other baby food. Bonus points for getting food all over your faces!
48. Label your bellies

This works best if your bump is obviously showing, so it might be one for later on in your pregnancy. Label your partner’s belly 'beer' and your belly 'baby.' If you have a little one they can join in and you can label their tummy with whatever their favourite food is
49. Ice, ice, baby
You'll need a friend to take the picture for this one. Have your partner hold a bag of ice in each hand and stand next to your– on your right (which is on your left, as your friend sees it through the camera). Now point to your bump as the picture is taken. Voila: ice, ice, baby!
50. Go fishing

Set up a shot of you and your partner fishing and looking like you've caught something. Follow it up with a 2nd pic of the fishing rod with a baby hat or baby sock on the hook.
Creative social media pregnancy announcement ideas
If you're looking for something a bit different and unusual for your pregnancy announcement, it can pay to go abstract. Think about 2 shapes that look alike and a 3rd that's the same but much smaller. Or think about pregnancy symptoms that can be summed up in a pic. Here are a few ideas to inspire you...
51. Put a pin in it

You could follow up this safety pin image with another one later in the pregnancy but this time bend the right-hand pin so it looks like it has a bump.
52. Signal a craving

Yep, an open jar of pickles can say a lot...
53. Pick 3 apples

You'd probably need a caption on this one to make sure everyone 'gets' it. You could just add your due date or, if you want to keep it cryptic, say something like "Fruitful days ahead..."
54. Keep it stylishly simple

We love the pared-down elegance of this announcement posted by Eleanor Mills from our Top Testers Club. "We announced with this picture on social media," she says. "We didn’t want to make a big fuss as it was a high-risk pregnancy and we were still pretty concerned at 12 weeks when we announced it."
Second pregnancy announcement ideas
If you already have one child, you may want to ring the changes a little when you come to announce this pregnancy – maybe using humour more and probably including your first-born in all the fun...
55. Film the moment your child hears the news

Have video rolling as you show your child your positive pregnancy test and explain what it means. And then share the reaction you get as your pregnancy announcement to the world, as Anna Francis from our Top Testers Club did – we've taken some screenshots of her Insta reel to show you here (above).
56. Award a promotion

Give your child a "I've been promoted" sign to hold, like Charlie Fletcher from our Top Testers Club has done here (see above). You could maybe give them the scan photo to hold, too, to really make your message land.
57. Serve an eviction notice

Make a pretend eviction notice to pin to your cot and pose your child in the cot, reacting to the news.
58. Wave goodbye to the only child

Mark up a message board for your child to hold, saying "Only child: expiring soon", like Melissa Haley from our Top Testers Club did for her second-baby announcement. "We posted this, as a strip of photos, on Insta, along with a reel of us telling our daughter," she says. You could also make a hand-written sign with "only child" crossed out and "big brother/sister" written underneath.
Pregnancy announcement ideas with siblings
When there's more than one child in the family already, it's lovely to make your pregnancy announcement something they can all participate in...
59. Let them do it all

Rather than pose with the scan photo or message board yourself, let your child (or children) do it. You could even dress them up in 'Big brother/sister' T-shirts, like Kellie-Marie from our Top Testers Club has done here (see her pic above). "It was great to get the boys involved with sharing the news," she says. "And they are wearing their Big Brother tops all of the time now!"
60. Kiss the bump
Ask your child (or children) to kiss your pregnancy bump. Simple but oh so cute!
61. Announce the new signing
If your child (or children) are footie fans, order your football club's official babygro (or just buy one in the right colours) and then take a pic of your child (or children) wearing team scarves and holding the babygro up to the camera.
62. Pose with number boards

Give each child a chalkboard with a number marking their birth order and then hold a chalkboard yourself with the next number in line on it.
63 Finger paint the bump
This one is fun but a bit messy! Give your child (or children) some poster paints and let them make bright finger prints or hand prints on your bump. If they're old enough, they could ever paint "Hello!"
Pregnancy announcement ideas for twins
Whether you're breaking the news that you're pregnant with twins or updating a previous pregnancy announcement to reveal you're having not one but two, twin pregnancy announcements are always double the fun...
64. Write your own plot twist

This is great message board/babygro option if you'd already told some people you're pregnant before you'd found out you're having twins. You could style it up yourself or buy and then customise this clever editable digital announcement from The Vintage Sketchbook on Etsy.
65. Do some (double-take) maths
Set up a chalkboard and write 1 + 1 = 4 on it, and then your due date underneath.
66. Double up the washing line
Use the classic washing line theme (see idea no 44) but, this time, make sure there are 2 pairs of baby socks, 2 pairs of shoes, 2 teddies– or whatever – pegged up on the line.
67. Post some peas in a pod

Simply put up a picture of two peas in a pod, with a due date underneath. And wait...
68. Put 2 buns in the oven
In a variation of the "bun in the oven" idea (see no 34), get your partner to take a pic of you holding the ultrasound photo in one hand and putting a tray of 2 buns into the oven with the other hand.
69. Eating for 3
Your twin baby announcement can be a picture of you eating three of the same item — like three scoops of ice cream or three slices of pizza and explain you’re eating for 3
70. Just silently share the scan

We love this simple idea. Just post up your pregnancy ultrasound pic. It may take people a while to put two and two together (as it were!) but that's all part of the excitement.
71. Everything's better in (two) pairs
Riff on the common pregnancy announcement theme of holding up a pair of baby booties and take a photo of you and your partner holding 2 pairs of booties. For a bit of extra drama, you could shoot a reel/video, starting with you holding a pair of booties and then your partner coming into shot with another pair.
Pregnancy announcement ideas for Christmas
If the timing's are right, it can be such a lovely thing to tell the world about your baby-to-be at Christmas time – when everyone else is feeling festive and generous and (if they're anything like us) super-sentimental. Try these ideas to spread your glad tidings of great joy...
72. Hang a baby bootee on the tree

Attach a little ribbon to some baby bootees or socks and hang it among all the other decorations on your Christmas tree. You can have some fun seeing who spots it first...
73. Make strategic use of a Santa hat
Lay a miniature Santa hat on your baby's ultrasound picture, maybe with some holly for extra Christmassy touch, and take a pic to share. Alternatively, if you have a bump already and you don't mind baring it, you could balance a Santa hat on your bump.
74. Add an extra stocking
Take a pic of your stockings all lined up by the fireplace/on the mantlepiece, adding in an extra, teeny-tiny stocking for your baby-to-be.
75. Drop a big hint with your Christmas cards

If your tradition is to make Christmas cards with a picture of your family on the front, pose in this year's pic wearing something that announces that a baby is on the way.
76. Wrap up the surprise
Stow a little present under the tree that reveals your pregnancy once it's unwrapped. It could simply be a framed ultrasound pic or something a little more personalised, like Izzy Judd from our Top Testers Club came up with:"I got a jigsaw made for my parents that said, "You’re going to be grandparents' and gave it them for Christmas."
Pregnancy announcement ideas for Easter
Easter, with all its accompanying images of eggs and blossoming flowers (not to mention famously fast-breeding bunnies!), lends itself superbly well to a themed pregnancy announcement – assuming the timings work for you. Here are a few of the ideas that egg-cited us most...
77. Tell them you're egg-specting
Make an Easter-theme letterboard, announcing that you're "egg-specting", like Anna Brotherton in our Top Testers Club did (see her pic above). "We announced the pregnancy on social media on Easter Sunday," she says.

78. Film a special Easter egg hunt
If you have other children, you could add a twist to the traditional Easter egg hunt, like Katie Dawson from our Top Testers Club did. "With my youngest baby," she says,"we did an Easter hunt where his sisters-to-be had to find words around the house and garden that made a sentence saying that they were both going to be big sisters." Filming the hunt and capturing your children's surprise and excitement would make a sweet video to share with your wider family and friends.
79. Say it with eggs

Riff on the theme of Easter eggs with a creative pic featuring 2 Mummy and Daddy eggs – with smiley Sharpie faces on – next to an egg with a question mark on or maybe your due date.
Pregnancy announcement ideas for Halloween
Yes, Halloween's about ghosts and ghouls and scary costumes (not necessarily the first things you'd think of to conjure up a hopeful and celebratory pregnancy vibe) but it's also about pumpkins – which are big and round, just like a pregnant bump. Perfect...
80. Make a pumpkin patch chalkboard

Gather together some Halloween props – a lantern, pumpkins, autumnal colours – and spook everyone (nicely) out with a chalkboard announcement. We love this beautifully styled pic by Eden Bluebell from our Top Testers Club.
81. Carve a message in a pumpkin
Instead of carving a grinning face into a Halloween pumpkin, cut the word Baby instead (tip: it's easier in capital letters!). Pop a tea light inside and take a pic of your candlelit message.
82. Carve a pregnant pumpkin

Get a pumpkin for each member of your family: bigger ones for the grown-ups, smaller ones for the children and a teeny tiny one (or maybe a squash instead) for your baby-to-be. Write a name on each pumpkin and, on the "Mummy" one, carve out a big heart window to place the "Baby" pumpkin in. If you're like Claire D from our MadeForMums community (see her pic above), you can ramp up the Halloween-y vibe with some cobwebs and candles, too.
83. Bump up next to a pumpkin
If your bump's showing, you could find a pumpkin round about the same size and pose for a pic with your (sideways-on) bump on one side of the frame and your partner holding the pumpkin on the other.
84. Pick a pumpkin and a scan

This is a sweet way to involve other children: take them pumpkins picking and slip a scan pic into the barrow or box you're collecting them in. Emma Bainborough from our Top Testers Club, who took the pic above, says, "We'd already told close friends and family in person but, after our 20 week scan, we went pumpkin picking with our eldest and took the opportunity for a little shoot and share!"
Pregnancy announcement ideas for New Year
What better way to ring in the new year than sharing the special new person that's going to appear before the year's end? Here are some of the turn-of-the-year pregnancy announcement ideas we like best...
85. New Year, New Baby

Play on the classic "New Year, New You" phrase by sharing a post saying"New Year, New Baby". We like this digital download from Etsy, (above) which you can use to Photoshop something creative or to make a transfer to a babygro or T-shirt.
86. Make a surprising New Year's resolution
Use a letterboard to spell out, "This year's resolution: become parents!"
87. Say it with balloons
Pose in front of some helium balloons spelling out the numbers of the New Year – and point to your belly. In your other hand, hold a sign saying "We're expecting this year to be special!"
Pregnancy announcement ideas that include pets
Anyone who has a dog or a cat – or maybe a more exotic pet – will consider them part of the family too – which means it's only right to include them in your announcement that your family's about to get bigger. These ideas are definitely among our furry favourites...
88. Make your pet an honorary sibling-to-be

Do the "Promoted to big sister/bother" photo thing but give your dog or cat (or tortoise or whatever!) a promotion too, as Allana Murray from our Top Testers Club has done (see her pic above).
89. Let your pet go solo

You could actually leave the whole announcement to your pet, as Catherine Fryer from our Top Testers Club has done (see her pic above). "We told family and close friends in the very early days but once we had our scan," she says, "we had our fur baby announce it in social media."
90. Voice your pet's thoughts

Take a photo of your pet and edit in a speech bubble with the comment, "Mum and Dad are getting me a human!" Or you could snap your pet next to a chalkboard with the same comment on, as EllieP shared with our MadeForMums Community (see above).
91. Show your pet getting up to speed
We love this idea from Sabrina Lee from our Top Testers Club. She printed out a fake cover for a book about What to Expect when your Human are Expecting on a piece of A4 paper, then stuck it over the cover of an existing hardback book and snapped her cat taking an interest in the pages. "Our cat announced it all for us! " Sabrina says.

92. Translate your pet's reaction to the news
Film a short video of your cat meow-ing or your dog barking and edit in a transcription – along the lines of, "Help, we're having a baby!"
93. Get your pet to do the babygro thing

Isn't this just the cutest thing? It was shared in our MadeForMums Community back in 2019 but we couldn't resist sharing it here because it's such a perennially brilliant idea.
Pics: Getty Images/MadeForMums Top Testers and Community members/retail websites
Read more:

Helen is author of the classic advice book Parenting for Dummies and a mum of 3. Before joining MadeForMums, she was Head of Community at Mumsnet and also the Consumer Editor of Mother & Baby.

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