Wales is well known for blossoming daffodils, breathtaking countryside, classic crooners and rough-and-tumble rugby matches.


But it's also known for it's official language, Welsh, and some of the gorgeous baby names that come from it.

So, whether you're from Wales yourself, or just want a baby name with that Welsh connection, it's worth digging through this list for a few ideas.

Also, discover our list of cultural heritage baby girl names which offer rich inspiration. Our Korean girl names list contains a mix of two-syllable style names, Italian girls names evoke
charm and romance, and Japanese girl names incorporate culture and history.

Have a browse of some of our favourite boys and girls names:

More like this
  • Addiena
  • Alwyn
  • Brynn
  • Caden
  • Cassian
  • Daffodil
  • Dylan
  • Eira (pronounced 'eye-ra')
  • Evan
  • Gladys
  • Glen
  • Guinevere (pronounced 'gwen-uh-vere')
  • Gwendolyn
  • Gwydron
  • Huw
  • Idris
  • Iola (pronounced 'eye-o-la')
  • Iona
  • Kai
  • Kian
  • Mari
  • Megan
  • Meredith
  • Morgan
  • Morven (pronounced 'mor-ven')
  • Owain
  • Rhiannon
  • Rhys
  • Seren (pronounced 'seh-ren', means 'star')
  • Trevon
  • Tristin
  • Tulia
  • Tyce
  • Winona

Have your say

Do you love any of these Welsh baby names - or perhaps you've got a great one we've missed from the list?

Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook

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