We loved this side-by-side photo when we saw it online last week. It shows yoga teacher Liz Arch (on the right) from Los Angeles, 41 weeks pregnant with her first child, and, next to her, her mum – pregnant with her – but who sadly died before Liz became a mum herself ?


There really is such a start physical similarity between the pregnant pair: their bumps look just the same size and shape, don't they? And the two of them are carrying those bumps the exact same way.

So much so, in fact, that Liz's pic made us wonder: is your baby bump – or at least, how it looks – hereditary?

We asked GP Dr Philippa Kaye, who agreed that the women in this photo look very alike – partly because of their strikingly similar facial features, hair and skin tone, it has to be said – and added: "If you can inherit physical features from your parents, then it is possible that you could have similar structures to your abdominal muscles and therefore look like you are both carrying your baby in a similar position.

"There isn't one gene that affects how you carry a pregnancy, but your genes will be involved – so it isn't unreasonable that when you're pregnant, you look like your mother did when she was pregnant."

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What do you think?

Have you seen photos of your mum when she was pregnant with you or one of your siblings? Were your bumps the same? We'd love to see the side by side pics!

Share them in the comments below or over on Facebook

Pic: Liz Arch on Instagram

Dr Philippa Kaye is a London GP who has written several books on pregnancy and childcare including The First Five Years. See www.drphilippakaye.com and follow her on twitter @drphilippakaye

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
