How do you juggle work and a family life? Starting a family is a time when many mums think hard about where their career is going and whether it’s time to change direction.


Increasing numbers of mums see setting up their own business as a way to keep a foot in the business world without turning their back on motherhood. But how do you go about it?

Emma Jones, author of Spare Room Start Up – how to start a business from home, will be joining us for a webchat TODAY Monday June 16 (12-1pm).

She will be online at for an hour to answer your questions about how to get your home-based business off the ground.

From practical questions about regulations and technology, to ideas about identifying customers, writing a business plan and getting funding, Emma can help anyone who is considering becoming a kitchen table tycoon.

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Emma is the founder of Enterprise Nation, the home business website, and has started successful businesses herself from home offices in London, Manchester and Shropshire.

She is regularly called upon by the Government to speak on the subject of home business and she advises Regional Development Agencies on how to encourage and support homeworking.

At a time when the Government is keen to double the number of female entrepreneurs, maybe now’s the time to take the plunge. Let Emma help with her expert advice.


Join us on BabyExpert for our webchat on starting up your mummy business: TODAY June 16, 12-1pm on the Working Mums chatboard.
