Scared? Worried? Nervous? Stressed? And goodness knows what your child is thinking!


Starting primary school is a big thing – for you, as well as your child. But there's absolutely no reason why it should be a bad big thing for either of you. Whether your child's already in the nursery or preschool attached to their primary school, or has never set foot anywhere near it, there's lots you can do to prepare the both of you for the first day in Reception or P1. Here’s our expert guide full of top tips to help support and prepare your whole family when your child's starting primary school…

Things to do before the first day of school | First day of school preparation for parents | First day of school checklist | What to do on the first day of school | What to do at the end of the first day of school | First day of school tips that make a difference

Things to do before the first day of school

The more you know about something, the less scary it seems. So spend the weeks before the start of the first term helping your child understand as much as possible about school life – what happens throughout the day, how they'll be expected to behave, what they'll be expected to do. In particular, you can...

Talk your child through the school day

Your school should already have sent you a simple outline of the school day (if not, ask for one or look on the school website). Tell your child the name of their teacher (they've probably met them already, either at a home visit or on a settling in/orientation/taster day) and that he or she will always start the day by taking the register (explain what this is). Then you can describe, in general terms, what happens at playtime, at circle time and at lunchtime.

Familiarise your child with the school building

Walk/drive past it often, pointing out the playground, the hall, the classroom (if you know where it is). Of course, if your child's been at nursery/preschool in the same building as their new school, they'll be familiar with the building already – although maybe not their new classroom.

Try the uniform on (if the school has one)

There are so many strange new things to deal with on the first day. Cut down the list down by getting your child to put their uniform on (and take it off), so they're familiar with what goes where, how any buttons and fastenings work and what the fabric feels like.

Work on key practical skills

Make sure your child can do the things that most children should, by the time they start Reception or P1, be able to manage (more or less) on their own.

  • Hang their coat/school bag on a peg
  • Go to the toilet, wipe their bottom, flush and wash their hands
  • Use a knife and fork
  • Carry a tray
  • Take their shoes off and put them back on again
  • Tidy up their toys (or at least understand the notion!)
  • Blow their own nose (or at least know how to wipe it)
  • Take turns and share (most of the time)
  • Follow simple instructions (such as "sit down" or "put your book on the table")

That said, don't panic too much if your child can't quite get the hang of everything on the list: Reception/P1 teachers are quite used to dealing with children who can't manage one (or several) of these skills yet. If your child is really struggling with something, though, it's wise to flag it up with your child's teacher early on.

Explain the hands-up rule

Your child may already be used to this if they went to nursery or preschool and they had the 'rule' there. If not, now's the time to talk about how, at school, if you need something or want to answer a question, you put your hand up in the air – and that shouting out isn't allowed.

Make sure they know their last name and recognise their written first name

Your child will have a peg and maybe a box/tray for their stuff, labelled with their name. So they'll need to be able to recognise their written name, even if they can't read properly yet. Remember: the name will be the name you filled in on your school application – so an Ollie may find his label says Oliver, for example. It helps also to check your child is aware of their last name: if there are two Ollies in the class, they'll need to know which one they are when the teacher calls the register.

Talk about your own starting school memories

It can really normalise the whole school thing if you share with your child a few stories about what it was like when you started school. Don't airbrush it – it's fine to say you were anxious or shy at first, for example – but, if you actually didn't have the best time of it, you probably want to edit those details a bit. Do dig out some old pictures of those days, if you have them: your child will find them fascinating – and probably hilarious.

Practise the PE change

At some point (usually a couple of weeks in), your child will have PE and, generally speaking, that involves changing out of their uniform and into their PE kit. Clearly, the class teacher cannot help 30 children undress, so your child will be expected to manage largely on their own (there is usually very little time to actually do PE in Reception/P1 PE lessons, as you can imagine). Help your child – and their teacher – out by having a few practice changing sessions at home before school starts.

First day of school preparation for parents

girl in school uniform leaving the house while her mum holds the door open

Starting school doesn't just involve the school-age child, but the whole family! Wondering how to get ready for the first day of school as a parent? Here are our top tips for how to help your child with first day of school nerves and what you can do to make the transition as smooth as possible for yourself.

Read reassuring books about starting school

There are some really brilliant, nerve-settling first day of school books – some of them focusing on the routine of the school day; others focusing more on emotions and making friends. Find a couple you like and read them with your child regularly.

Get into the school rhythm before term begins

Ok, so this sounds like a bit of a downer to do over the summer but it honestly does help and you don't have to do it all summer – maybe just the last week or so before your child's due to start school. The main aim is to get your child (and you) in sync with the school-term rhythms ahead of time, so that it's not something they have to deal with at the same time as all the other changes that will be coming their way in the first weeks of school. So, every day, aim to get up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush teeth, put shoes on and be ready to go out of the door (even if you don't actually go out) at the time you're going to need to start the school run. On the same principle, try to tweak the rest of your child's day, so that lunchtime's roughly when school will have it, and afternoon snacks, supper and bedtime all fall into line for a child who'll be getting home, tired out, at about 4pm.

Do a dry run of the school run

Whether you're planning to walk, drive or take public transport to your child's school, it's worth 'practising' the journey with your child at the right time of day – partly to get your child familiar with the route and the routine but mainly to make sure you've got your timings right and, if you're driving, you can suss out potential parking spots/parking charges. Do bear in mind that, if you're doing your dry runs in mid-summer, the roads will be way busier when you're doing the journey for real.

Think positive

You've done all the prep. It's all going to be fine. Remember, your feelings guide your child's feelings...

Expect a blip

It's not uncommon for your child to trot happily to school for a couple of weeks and then, just when you're congratulating yourself on a transition well done, throw a wobbly and not want to go any more. This is all about the novelty of school warning off and the realisation that this is a permanent change kicking in. Be kind but firm (no skipping school) and the blip won't last long.

Don't fret about reading and counting

Should your child be able to count to 10? Or 100? Is being able to chant their ABC enough or should they really be starting to read? The truth is, there's an enormous range of ability in every Reception or P1 class – as you'd expect when some of the children will be almost a year older than others. Teachers are trained to build on what each child knows and to compensate for what they don't. So, if your child can already read and write, great – but it definitely won't be expected, and you certainly shouldn't push your child to get to grips with either. Reading has nothing to do with intelligence, and is actually more about the ability to de-code and concentrate. And writing is almost impossible to master until a child has developed the fine-motor skills required to form letters.

Important note: If your child is super-keen to write and/or learn letters, do make an effort to find out how they teach this at school – it's almost certainly changed since you were 4. If you teach your child a different way, they'll only have to 'unlearn' it all and start again from scratch.

First day of school checklist

boy putting school uniform on

Shop early for uniform

If your child's school has a uniform, you'll probably have a list of clothes they can wear, and even if the school doesn't have a uniform, it'll probably have a dress code of some sort. Buy the school uniform you need as early in the summer holidays as you can. If you leave it till the last few days before the start of term, you run the risk of the sizes you want being sold out.

Shop smart with uniform sizes

The old cliché about buying a size up in school uniform is actually not a bad one, as many children do have a massive growth spurt in the first year of primary school. Alternatively, don't buy too much and plan to buy more later in the year in a larger size.

Shop smart with uniform styles

Remember that the weather at the beginning of the autumn term is often quite warm, so you may want to buy a summer dress/shorts now – it may well be in the sales, which is a bonus.

Whatever you're buying, go for styles that are as simple to get on as possible (within the school rules) – so easy-to-pull-on trousers, elasticated skirts, easy-neck shirts and jumpers and Velcro-fastening shoes.

  • If you check our article on School uniforms: tried and tested, you can see what our tester families thought about the fit, wash and wear of uniforms from all the main high-street and supermarket shops.

Choose school shoes carefully

In an ideal world, you'd get your child's school shoes from a shop where you can have your child's feet measured and then a suitable pair of shoes fitted properly. But this option can be expensive – and, if you leave it to the last minute, you'll be sitting in the world's longest and most fidgety queue for the shoe fitter.

If you end up buying shoes online or somewhere measuring's not offered, draw around your each of your child's feet on a piece of paper and place the shoe on top of the outline: if the shoe doesn't cover the whole outline of each foot, they're too small. Other things to look for include a toe area with sufficient room for all the toes to move freely, a broad low heel and a snug fit around the back of the heel.

Wherever you buy, we strongly recommend Velcro fastenings (if the school allows), so your child can dress quickly and independently in the morning and for/after PE (see tip no 9), and a style robust enough to withstand some heavy pounding and scuffing in the playground.

It's worth buying a backpack before term starts too (if your child's school doesn't give you or require you to buy a specific school bag), a drinks bottle (check what the school allows) and, if your child's not having school dinners, a lunchbox.

Label everything

Put name tapes or labels on absolutely every item that's going anywhere near school: shoes, pants, lunchboxes, hairbands – the lot. You wouldn't believe what a (almost) 5-year-old can mislay on a daily basis.

Get everything ready the night before

The last thing you want to be doing on a school morning is running around looking for their reading book.

On the first day of school

girl in school uniform holding board saying first day of school

So, the Big Day has finally arrived. What are you going to tell your child on their first day of school? And how are you going to handle the emotionally charged journey from front door to classroom door? It'll all go much more smoothly if you...

Give yourself plenty of time

You really don't want to be yelling and your child to hurry up and brush their teeth on this day of all days.

Walk to school (if possible)

It's a great way for your child to burn off some restless, early-morning energy before they're expected to sit quietly for registration. And it gives you a chance for an undistracted chat. If you have to drive, you could perhaps find a place to park a little way from the school and walk the rest of the way.

Don't spend too long on pictures (but do take them)

Obviously you want an adorable shot of your child on the doorstep, all spruced up and slightly too small for their brand new uniform, but don't spend so long snapping away that your child gets tired and irritable or teary.

Follow the teacher's lead

Some schools don't allow parents into the school building, let alone the classroom; others are fine with parents of first-day newbies coming in to help their child find their peg and work out where the toilets are. If you don't know already what the policy is at your child's school, be ready for either and do whatever the teacher recommends. Either way, be prepared for the goodbye moment to come much quicker than you may be ready for! The teacher will tell you when the moment's come. Let your child know exactly when you're picking them up (some schools start with half days for the first week), give them a big smile and then go. Reserve all sobbing and wailing for the street outside.

Don't (necessarily) expect tears/clinginess

Your child might be a little teary or clingy but, equally, they might be absolutely fine – which, after all the build up, can take you slightly by surprise. You wouldn't be human if it didn't sting just a little to see your child rush off into the classroom without a second glance in your direction but comfort yourself that it's a brilliant sign of how ready and comfortable they are.

Don't worry about accidents

Most primary schools expect Reception/P1 children to be potty-trained. So, if your child isn't, they will need to know in advance. But no one will bat an eyelid if your child still has the odd accident (more likely, of course, if they're getting used to a new routine and environment) or needs to wear pull-up pants occasionally. Most schools will have a stock of spare clothes for just this reason – although you may want to make sure your child has a spare pair of pants in their school bag, too.

A word to parents of boys: if your son wees sitting down, now's the time to teach him the art of standing to wee. Toilet seats in the boys' loos tend to get very wet, so they're no fun to sit on.

At the end of the first day of school

Be early for pick up

Make sure you're on the school premises before the end of your child's day. You don't want them waiting inside, scanning the playground anxiously, looking for you.

Come equipped with a drink and a snack – and no plans for the rest of the day

First days are very energy-sapping: your child will need something to give them a blood-sugar boost. Even after that, they may still well be worn out. Don't plan on doing much more than getting home and chilling out.

Don't press for information

Your child may be bubbling over with all the things that have happened. More likely, they'll be too tired to give you a blow-by-blow account of their school day. Just let them be quiet for a while. You'll get the details when they're ready.

Don't expect tons of classroom intel

"What did you do today at school?" "Nothing." That's pretty much the full script of my interactions with my children after school pick-up in the first weeks. I learnt quickly that, after a drink and a snack, I stood more chance of a multi-syllabic response if I asked specific questions - like ""What did you have for lunch?", "Who did you play with a break?" or "What's the best thing that happened today?" Sometimes, though, your child will still be reluctant to say much. Don't nag. One thing I found really useful was to invite a classmate to tea and listen to the conversation the two of them had – always very revealing!

Hold fire on after-school excitement

After a full-on day of school stuff, your child's not going to be in the most upbeat and sunny of moods when they get home. In fact, they might even act up or misbehave in ways you haven't seen since they were a toddler. So now's not really the time to invite round the kind of visitors who'd expect tip-top child politeness, nor to sign your child up to a new after-school activity. I'd recommend not banking on doing much after school for the first couple of months at least.

Get to know the other parents

Try to get to know the parents of your child's classmates. This is less easy if you're working, we know, but even just smiling and asking people's names when you drop off or pick up can establish connections you can build on over time. These people may well become valued friends over the next seven (or more) years – and a useful knowledge pool if there's some key school thing your child's forgotten to tell you. A quick word of caution here about parents' WhatsApp groups: they can be a lifesaver ("What were the spelling words for this week?") but they can get uncomfortable if some people start discussing particular teachers or issues with the school. You may well want to mute notifications at this point...

Other first day of school tips that really make a difference

It's not just your child who has a load of new stuff to get used to; you do, too! It can be quite a challenge for the both of you to adjust to the demands of the school routine – and to keep track of all the special events and activities and meetings that are happening at school. that has to get used to. The key to keeping on top of it all? Here are some small but crucial tips...

Go through their school bag each evening

Many schools have online info or send weekly emails about what's coming up in the days ahead but the school bag is still often the place where you'll find notices, notes from the teacher, homework tasks, forms to fill in, and even invites to a classmate's birthday party. Check it daily: there's nothing worse that discovering the note about Dress-As-Dinosaur Day on the day itself...

Have a system for noting important school dates

Whether you put reminders in your phone or write notes on a wall calendar, find a way to note down all the school events, term dates, class assemblies, parents' evenings that both you and your partner can keep track of.

Teach your child hat and gloves 'etiquette'

When the weather gets colder and your child needs a hat and gloves, tell them how to put both in their coat pocket when they get to school. Hats left on pegs fall off or get forgotten. And it's really annoying on a frosty morning when you find they only have one glove.

Always dress before breakfast

Make it a rule that no one eats breakfast in their pyjamas in term-time. Children wake up hungry and hunger's a powerful getting-dressed motivator. Much more effective than, "Come on, we're going to be late for school!"

Pics: Getty Images. This article contains edited extracts from Helen Brown's book Parenting for Dummies.

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Helen Brown
Helen BrownHead of Content Delivery

Helen is author of the classic advice book Parenting for Dummies and a mum of 3. Before joining MadeForMums, she was Head of Community at Mumsnet and also the Consumer Editor of Mother & Baby.
