Mums’ guide to returning to work
About to start life as a working mum? Here’s how to ease your transition back into the career world, and ensure you’ve picked the best childcare.

Heading back to work once you’re a mum can be a mixed bag of emotions. There might be a part of you that’s excited at being more than “Jack’s mum”, nerves at whether you’ll have forgotten everything about your job, a bit that’s worried at how your child will cope without you… and how you’ll cope without him!
We’ve rounded-up what you need to know to prepare yourself for your return to work, from vital info on your working rights, to making your childcare choice work for you…
- Returning to work after having a baby – info on flexible working, childcare issues, your parental leave rights and settling in at work.
- Enjoy returning to work – tips to ensure your return to work is as stress-free as possible, including work outfit worries and workplace confidence.
- Get the best from your childcare – childcare workers share their advice on how to get the most from your child’s nursery, nanny or childminder.
- How to hide tiredness and boost energy – just because you’ve been up all night with your baby or child doesn’t mean you have to look that way! Here are tips to cover up your fatigue and ways to boost your energy in the long-run.
- Easy make-up tips for busy mums – top make-up products that’ll suit your busy lifestyle.
- Separation anxiety - why your baby is being so clingy – separation anxiety typically starts when your baby’s around 6 months, and this happens to be about the time many mums have to return to work! Here’s why your baby feels that way, when they’ll grow out of it and advice on dealing with the clinginess… without having to give up your job!
For breastfeeding mums returning to work
If you’ve been exclusively breastfeeding up until now, your return to work may mean you’ll need to introduce bottlefeeds whilst you’re at your job. If breastfeeding means a lot to you, rest assured being a working mum doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up feeding by breast…
- Feeding your baby - combining breast and bottle – advice and mums’ experiences of mixing breast and bottle.
- How to bottlefeed successfully - the feeding equipment you’ll need, feeding positions and food safety for preparing bottles.
- Buyer’s guide to breast pumps – if you plan to feed your baby expressed breast milk, you’ll need a breast pump. Our step-by-step guide will help you buy the right one.
- Breast pumps – what types are there? An overview of the main breast pump models you’ll come across.
- Buyer’s guide to bottles and teats – bottles can feel like a whole different world if you’ve been exclusively breastfeeding. We take you step-by-step through finding the best feeding bottles and teats for you and your baby.
- Buyer’s guide to sterilisers – breast pumps, bottles and teats all need to be sterilised. Here’s how to buy the right steriliser unit for your needs.
- Sterilisers – what types are there? A look at the main types of sterilisers, including microwave, electric, steam and cold water sterilisers.
For new mums just starting to think about work
If your maternity leave is a long way from over, but you’re starting to plan your childcare choices, don’t make any decisions until you read these…
- Returning from maternity leave - can you change your work hours? A look at whether you have the right to request flexible work hours, and what’s involved.
- Choose the right childcare for you – a guide to help you decide whether day nurseries, childminders, home childcarers, nannies, au pairs or friends and family carers will work best for you.
- Nursery choices and places - what to do and when to do it - worried about nursery waiting lists? Our countdown guide reveals what you need to do, and when to do it, to ensure you find the right nursery for your child and get a place.
- What to ask when you visit a nursery – the 12 questions you need to ask when deciding which nursery you’d like your child to attend.
- Three different types of nurseries – Montessori, Steiner and mainstream nurseries - how to decide which teaching approach you want for your child.

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