The best age for babies to use jumperoos depends on your own baby, how well they’re able to hold their head up, how much upper body support they need, and the product you’re using.


However, we’d advise that you don’t put any baby in a jumperoo before they’re 4 months old.

There's no "official" guidance on this - the NHS said they weren't able to comment - but we haven’t seen any jumpers that are recommended for babies under 4 months, so we think that’s a sensible guideline to follow.

What’s the best age for babies to use jumperoos?

Always check the age recommendation for your jumperoo of choice, and make sure you’ve got the right one. A couple are suitable for 4 months+ while others say not to use until they’re older than 6 months. It's really important you follow the manufacturers guidance here and don't rush. Jumperoos put babies into a "standing" position before they are able to do this themselves, so it's important you're following safety advice.

Fisher-Price has some helpful guidelines for deciding when your baby’s ready:

  • Your baby should be able to hold their head up unassisted for more than a few minutes
  • For optimal use, make sure the balls of your baby’s feet are touching the floor and they’re not flat-footed on the ground, or unable to touch the ground
  • Stop using the product once your baby tries to climb out of it, or starts walking.

Once they're the right age for your chosen jumperoo, ensure they're not staying in it for too long: most experts recommend no more than 20 minutes at a time. Keep an eye on how your baby is responding to being in the jumper – are they happily playing, or do they look uncomfortable or like they’re not getting much out of it?

If it’s not a hit, it probably means you need to wait a bit longer – so they can get the absolute most out of bouncing around and exploring the jumperoo’s colourful, textural and musical features.

If they’re clamouring to get out of it and go for a toddle, it probably means they’ve outgrown it a bit and want to try crawling or walking.

When is a jumperoo most beneficial for a baby’s development?

Jumperoos can be super fun for babies, and they’re also great for stimulating their brains with bright colours and fun sounds.

We've reached out to a couple of experts to find out if there's a prime age for this kind of development. We've basically asked: is there a perfect time to get your baby bouncing?

Educational psychologist Naomi Burgess told us: "Jumperoos allow babies to experience some stimulation in a number of ways.

"It can provide the opportunity for using their gross and fine motor skills, and provide them with a micro-environment where their motor responses and sensory curiosity can seemingly, and randomly, be combined." She explains.

"Many babies are ready at around the age of 4 months, when they are able to hold their bodies and have control of their legs and trunk."

However, she adds, "Please remember to follow the instructions to be sure that your baby does not experience too much time bouncing up and down on their toes, which is not good for muscle development in their legs."

As we mentioned, jumperoos keep babies contained and on their toes. For this reason, you should always make sure that a jumperoo is used sparingly for short periods of time. This ensures there's no negative effect on your baby's overall development. All babies should also be given plenty of tummy time and free time on a play mat or carpet so they can roll, stretch and – eventually – crawl and walk.

Images: Skip Hop

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