Babies can be born with all sorts of red patches and blotches - often on their face and around the neck.


When they're on the back of the neck, or around the eyes they're know as 'stork marks' (necks) or 'angels kisses' (eyes) - and lots of mums on our forum are curious to know more about them - and if they'll disappear.

Mums share their stories

"Did anyone else's baby get salmon or stork marks?" asks Lentil, for example. "Isobel has a large marking on her forehead, small one on her cheek and lots on her scalp.

"The one on her forehead makes her look like she's permanently frowning. It gets worse when she has a tantrum but is paler when she's calm.

"Everyone told me these would fade in time (midwives etc in hosp) but I never asked how long. Does anyone know? Is there anything I can do to help them?

"Will they fade completely or just get fainter? I should have asked at the time but was a bit doped up and I think I thought it would be days not weeks."

"Eadie has a bright pink / purple one on the back of neck, a paler one on eyelid and when she has a tantrum one shows up on her forehead," car1y28 says.

"Everyone has told me the same.... they fade... not sure when but I think in a few months. My friends little boy is now 7 months and his has disapeared completely now..

"I don't think you can do anything they will go on their own."

And Rosapenny reveals: "Olivia is almost 11 weeks and she still has hers, on the right eyelid and on the forehead.

"They are only noticeable if she is upset, I was told they will fade at around 6 months. She also has to birth marks, one on the back of the head and one on the back of the neck."

What the experts say

So what's the deal with stork marks - and other red marks - your baby has? Will they go? And if so, how long will they take to fade?

Dr Philippa Kaye (who's also on Twitter) told us:

"'Stork marks' on a newborn are salmon pink or light red birthmarks often on the face, scalp or neck.

"The medical term is naevus flammeus but they are often called ‘stork bites’ as they are commonly on the scalp or neck, where you were held by the stork as he flew with you, or ‘angels’ kisses’ if they are between the eyebrows, where you were kissed by an angel!

"They are common, occurring in approximately 40% or 4 out of 10 infants.

"The ones on the face tend to fade by about one year of age, though the ones on the scalp/back of the neck tend to persist - but are often covered by hair as you get older."

There you have it, then!

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
