Britain’s Got Talent is back this Saturday night and we were invited by show sponsor Morrisons for a sneak peek of the first episode as well as getting to put a few questions to this year’s judges – Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden and Alisha Dixon. David Walliams was unfortunately absent due to filming commitments, although he did send a video link declaring his continued love for Mr Cowell (of course).


After seeing some sensational children perform in the first episode, we asked mum-of-two Amanda, who recently defended her decision to go back to work soon after the traumatic birth of daughter Hollie, if she dreads kids coming onto the stage incase she has to say no to them:

“Er, no. You don’t get a dread. You think responsibly about how you may say no. We’ve always said the responsibility lies with the parents. We’re brilliant with them backstage, but unless your child is ready, your child shouldn’t be on stage, so it’s up to the parents. But this year, little Britain has got talent, it’s mostly been young kids, it’s been amazing,” says Amanda.

Simon, not one to miss a chance to embarrass Alisha joked, “Alisha quite likes it when they’re crying don’t you? It’s one of the things she likes.”

Keen to get on to the topic of babies, we asked the panel if they’d been giving David any tips before he and wife Lara Stone welcome their baby.

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Amanda joked, “David will be a great dad, and Simon will be a great dad, too", which urm, we'll leave to you to decide what that could possibly mean. Clearly the Simon-David (or should that be David-Simon?) bromance lives on!

Talking of David, Simon described him as being like his mum’s dachshund dog - always humping his leg. But after Simon admitted he’s never voted in a real election because he “couldn’t be bothered” Amanda was quick to point out there’s some things kids shouldn’t listen to when it comes to Simon:

“What a lovely role model for kids,” Amanda said, “Children don’t listen to that,” she continued.

After all that buzzer pushing you’d think Simon would be pretty good at voting, but we also learned he’s not too great at wearing underwear (Amanda almost giving us an eyeful to prove she does) so there are clearly some things not on the Cowell to-do list - we bargain being dad number two to David's yet to arrive baby is probably on there, too!


What certainly is on Simon's list, is finding talent and while he scoffed at the return of BBC’s The Voice, saying ‘they need to get those chairs fixed, they just keep spinning’ a 'chair exercising’ mum is the first act ever to get Simon on the BGT stage – after seven years! But, perhaps this is the kids' year? Little Britain's Got Talent certainly has a ring to it...
