Some days, it’s really easy to love and accept and embrace our post-baby bodies as they are – scars, lumps, stretch marks, tums and all ?


But other days, it can feel impossible, which is why it’s SO helpful when mums share their own postnatal figures on social media, to help us know we're not alone...

Model Casey Batchelor – who you might remember from Celeb Big Brother in 2015 – has done just that, after giving birth to her daughter Florence about a month ago.

In an un-retouched photoshoot with New Magazine, the 33-year-old proudly displayed that her bump was pretty much still intact.

“So I teamed up with @new_magazine to do their ‘Keeping It Real Campaign’ shoot! UNAIRBRUSHED!!” Casey posted beside the snap, on Instagram.

“This shoot was just 3 weeks after having Florence to show you what a real body looks like after just giving birth!

“We don’t bounce back to a size 8, we really do still look pregnant! Check out my exclusive shoot and interview in @new_magazine out this week!"

Of course, it goes without saying that Casey looks fab here - but we think the message of the pic is still pretty clear.

It’s TOTALLY normal to have a bump once your baby's out, especially so soon after birth. Having a 3/4-week-old is still VERY early newborn territory, don’t forget.

The last thing we’d ever want is for any new mum to feel pressure of any kind to look anything other than the way she already does, especially in the early weeks and months of motherhood - so we hope this picture helps to reassure.

Thanks for sharing Casey ?

Images: New magazine via Instagram/Casey Batchelor

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