Here at MFM HQ we totally admit that Gwyneth Paltrow comes across to us as a bastion of calm and control.


She didn't get divorced, she "consciously uncoupled". She only lets her kids watch TV in French and Spanish.

She always seems to be poised, and totally steering her own ship - to be honest, quite the opposite of how we feel half the time, especially as mums.

So we gave a wee bit of a high-five when the Hollywood super star admitted she's currently going through the "You're not going out dressed like that" - "Oh yes I am!" dilemma that regular mums across the world deal with every day.

Speaking to the Daily Mail about her 12-year-old daughter Apple, Gwyneth said:

"I am her mum but at the same time I want her to express herself.

"Sometimes it is hard when she is wearing something really, really short and a lot of make-up and I have to resist the instinct as I want her to experiment and find her own identity.”

It seems Gwyneth feels a bit torn between wanting Apple to be her own person, but also not wanting her to feel she needs to wear a tonne of make-up and skimpy outfits to be popular adding:

"...I think there is a very denigrating set of imagery and behaviours happening.

"Women are so powerful and so capable and to have it inferred that you have to generate yourself in any way to be likeable is abhorrent to me.

"With my daughter I try to find a balance of being an example for her as a woman who works and tries not to go out in public naked."

Gwyneth - we get you on this one. No one wants to be a killjoy when it comes to letting your child express themselves, but at the same time shouldn't our kids learn that there's way more to life than how you look? Hmm, it seems to us it's a bit of a juggling trick, this one...

Even if your little one is still a few years off being at the make-up and short dress stage, you might have already thought about how you're going to handle it when it comes up.

Will you try and bite your tongue as Gwyneth seems to suggests she's trying to do? Or will you lay down the law on that sort of stuff?

Let us know in the comments below or over on Facebook

Photos: Gwyneth Paltrow on Instagram

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
