The One Show fans will know that presenter Alex Jones hasn’t got long left until she gives birth to her 1st child.


She and husband Charlie Thomson announced their happy news in September… but just last week, Alex said goodbye to her BBC1 hosting gig to head off on maternity leave.

On her final day, she took to Instagram to share a snap of her alongside Patrick Kielty and Gary Barlow - so certainly not a bad day at the office, eh? ?

And it seems that now she’s resting and waiting for the birth, she’s had a chance to get to grips with how much her bump has changed.

The 38-year-old star revealed she was shocked to see how much her pregnancy tum has grown in another Instagram post, this time a blurry bump selfie...

More like this

alex jones bump ready to pop

She wrote beside it:

"Just caught my reflection whilst making some rice! Wow! I'm shocked even though I've grown it myself.

"Still not fed up of bump though. I think i'll miss it when the time comes. #countdownison #nearlyreadytopop#pregnancy #hugeandproud ?”

We reckon Alex has touched on loads of stuff that many of us can relate to here: missing your bump when your baby’s born, the exciting (and nerve-wracking) countdown to actually giving birth and of course, the hashtag #hugeandproud ?

It can also be pretty crazy to catch your reflection and find yourself feeling surprised or even stunned by how your bump looks...

By the way: we're not sure when ‘nearly ready to pop’ is exactly - though fans have speculated in her Instagram comments that there are just 2 weeks until Alex’s due date.

So here’s hoping Alex enjoys some well-deserved time off until the time comes! ?

Images: Instagram/Alex Jones Thomson

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