Roaming the frozen food aisle donning just your PJs isn’t the ideal dress code, but after doing a manic run to the school gates with the children in tow, it may seem appealing. However, not at Tesco, as a store has been forced to issue a dress code banning nightwear.


Tesco staff at the St Mellons store in Cardiff put up signs after a increasing number of shoppers were spotted pushing their trolleys in dressing gowns, PJs and some even barefoot. “To avoid causing embarrassment to others we ask that our customers are appropriately dressed when visiting our store (footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted),” the dress code sign states.

The number of inappropriately dressed shoppers is believed to be young mums who pop into the store after dropping their children off to school in the morning. A spokesman for the food chain believe that inappropriately dressed customers can cause offence to fellow shoppers, which is why the polite notice has been put up in the store. “We’re not a nightclub with a strict dress code, but we do however request that customers do not shop in their PJs to avoid embarrassment or offence.”

One outraged pyjama wearer was asked to leave the Cardiff store for wearing her penguin clad nightwear. “It is ridiculous and stupid. I’ve got a lovely pair of pyjamas, I’ve worn my best ones today, I look tidy,” mum-of-two Elaine Carmody said. Admitting that she hasn’t dressed properly because she didn’t have time in between dropping off her children to nursery. “I was in a rush, I haven’t got time to get myself dolled up.”

The new rule hasn’t gone down well with fellow locals, who don’t see the problem with pulling a coat over their nightwear with many declaring, “I won’t be bothering with Tesco anymore, I’m off to Aldi.”

And they weren’t joking either – as budget food chains Aldi and Lidl have topped a survey on the nations favourite supermarket.


Ahead of the bigger stores like Tesco and Asda, it seems that German owned Aldi has won the shoppers affections due to their super cheap prices and wide range of produce. It also appears that the value for money benefits trumped the ‘big four’ that dominate most high streets. Waitrose was crowned the UK’s favourite supermarket with 79% of the votes.
