Baby's first haircut can be a pretty stressful time so Una Foden decided to take matters into her own hands when it was time for her son Tadhg's first chop. The Saturdays singer gave the 5-month-old a short back and sides while he sat on his rugby player dad Ben's lap.


With dad there to reassure him, it looks like Tadhg has just about made it through the ordeal in one piece. But we can see just a little bit of shine in his blue eyes so we doubt mum managed to get away with no tears at all!

Once the haircut was done, Una was sure to retrieve the chopped locks and even saved them in a freezer bag labelled "Tadhg's first haircut" with the date. The sentimental mum is clearly planning on stowing her baby's hair away somewhere as a keepsake.

Last week, Una shared a video of Tadhg in his bouncer – showing off his pre-haircut locks.

Do you cut your child's hair? Let us know in the comments below.

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