Out 'n' About Nipper Double pushchair review

In a nutshell
A quality side-by-side buggy that’s perfect for any terrain, great to steer and compact when folded, but beware of the noisy hoods, and consider how wide your doors are!
What we tested
- Fold/unfolding
A star rating of 4.5 out of 5. - Manoeuvrability
A star rating of 4.5 out of 5. - Comfort for child
A star rating of 4.8 out of 5. - Style
A star rating of 5.0 out of 5. - Durability
A star rating of 4.8 out of 5. - Worth the money
A star rating of 3.8 out of 5.
- All-terrain pushchair, hidden storage, seats recline independently, relatively compact fold, individual hoods, handles well
- Forward-facing only, heavy, noisy hoods, too wide for some doorways, not travel system compatible, no storage basket
Showing item 1 of 3

The Nipper Double from popular UK brand Out 'n’ About is one of the best-loved double buggies on the market, and it comes at a very reasonable price point compared to some competitors’ products. It’s a sturdy, 3-wheeled, side-by-side double buggy that comfortably seats twins, or two children of different ages or sizes. It keeps your children safe and secure, tackles all terrains superbly, just as the brand has excelled in doing since its inception, and has a suspension that is commonly described as "awesome".
The steering is light, and parents love the compact fold and the hood storage pockets. It’s 72cm wide, and the brand claims the buggy can fit through all standard doorways, but some internal doorways can’t quite accommodate the Nipper Double, which could be a deal-breaker for many parents.
Tested by
Freelance journalist Lara Berry, from Colchester, tested the Out 'n’ About Nipper Double with her 8-month-old twin girls Sydney and Lyla, on walks to the park, nearby woods, the school run and local shops.
What were your first impressions of the Out 'n’ About Nipper Double?
When I took it out of the box I was pleasantly surprised at how compact the pram was, and the bold purple hood and padded seats really stood out. I managed to unpack the pram and all the components by myself, and when it was unfolded and built, the Nipper Double looked very impressive. I particularly liked the reflective piping to help you be visible at night.

What is the styling like?
Some reviewers on Amazon weren't keen on the styling of this buggy, but in the end that is a matter of taste. The frame felt strong and durable, and I liked the shiny black finish the chassis. Together with the bold purple seat pads and hood, it gave an impressive, almost sporty finish that I got the thumbs up from me.
How easy is the Nipper Double to build?
I was very surprised with how easy and straightforward the Nipper Double was to build. The instructions were clear and informative, and the images alongside the text really helped, as I could see exactly what I needed to do. Once the pram was unfolded, it was simply a case of popping on the three wheels and then fitting the seat pads. One MFM parent reviewer noted that it was the easiest of the four prams they have ever put together.
Fiddling around with the seat pads was the longest part of the whole process – especially as I had to do two seats! Getting the straps through the slots in the seat pads and threading the shoulder coverings back on was a little bit fiddly, but other than that we were ready to go in no time. Another MFM parent reviewer found these fiddly straps to be one of the buggy’s biggest drawbacks, but they didn’t cause me too much hassle.
The cover attached easily with some poppers and then slotted onto the pram, facing the parent, with the seats still in place. This is definitely a bonus, as other side-by-side double prams I’ve used don’t all function in this way, so you need to find the space to store the elements you might not need just yet.

What’s the Out 'n’ About Nipper Double like to push and steer?
One of the things I liked best about the Nipper Double, and which was echoed by many other online parent reviews, was how easy it is to push and steer. It can be pushed with one hand, which is useful if you also have a walking toddler to hold onto.
The steering was really responsive, which made it a joy to use. I found that the turning circle was small, and it could also be turned with one hand. Parent reviews on Amazon also say that the buggy was easy to push and steer with older toddlers, despite the extra weight.
How does the Nipper Double handle different terrains?
It tackled all kinds of terrain really well: from pavement to gravel, bark chippings in the park and uneven, muddy ground in the woods, nothing seemed too hard for it to tackle. One Amazon parent review said they successfully tested it on ice, but I didn't have the opportunity to test out this claim! The suspension is universally acknowledged to be superb, and the large tyres give a smooth ride that feels balanced and robust.
Mounting kerbs was tricky with this 3-wheeler, particularly the deeper ones, and sometimes I’d lose my balance, but I think this would be less of an issue when you were used to the buggy and the 3-wheel arrangement. I have the Mountain Buggy Duet V3, another side-by-side buggy, and I found the Nipper to be slightly more responsive and easier to manoeuvre in the aisles of shops and around awkward corners.

Does the Nipper Double fit through all doors?
The buggy is 72cm wide (the Joie Aire Twin measures 76cm) and, while it fitted through our front door without a problem, I couldn’t wheel it through any of our internal doorways, so it had to stay in the hallway. This was fine for me, as I didn’t need it elsewhere in the house, but if you came home from a walk with the babies asleep and you wanted to put them in a separate room to continue the nap, this could be a problem. Something like the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double, measuring 66.5cm wide, is a more compact choice.
How does the Nipper Double compare to the Little Nipper Double?
Out 'n’ About also sell the Little Nipper Double, which at £399 is similarly priced to the Nipper Double. The most obvious difference is that the Nipper Double is a 3-wheeler and has pneumatic tyres, while the 4-wheeler Little Nipper has EVA wheels. The Little Nipper Double is lighter, at 11kg, with the Nipper Double weighing in at 12.8kg. The Little Nipper Double boasts additional hidden zipped pockets in the hoods. Choosing between the two is largely a matter of personal choice, although the Nipper Double is probably the better option for tackling a variety of terrains.
What is the Nipper Double carrycot like?
I think the carrycot is a great, smart addition to this buggy. Although the pushchair can be used from newborn to around 4 years without the carrycots, as the seats can lie flat, the addition of a carrycot offers a snugger environment for younger babies.
The manufacturer recommends using the carrycot until your baby is 9kg or able to lift themselves to sitting, and as the carrycots are quite narrow, this would be around the time you’d want to move them to the seats anyway, to give them more room. My girls weigh 7.9kg and 7.3kg and are 8 months old, and there wasn’t much more room left in the carrycots for them. Getting them in and out required a ‘rotate and lift’ action so as not to get their shoulders caught on the sides.
The carrycot mattress is firm and comfortable, and I liked the apron that fitted onto the carrycot to provide a sturdy and durable cover over the girls.

How do you fix the carrycots onto the Nipper Double?
We were supplied with one adapter, which simply slots into the frame of the pram, where the bumper bar goes. The two carrycots came with clear instructions, but I did also watch a YouTube video to be sure I was doing it right. It took a bit of force to clip the frame into place, but I got there in the end.

How easy is the Nipper Double carrycot to put on or take off the pushchair?
I did have an issue when trying to get the carrycots on the buggy next to each other, as the motion undid the popper and pushed the apron off – and, with the carrycots in situ it is impossible to put the aprons on and fix with the popper, which was slightly frustrating.
The carrycots are fairly light to carry, and to remove them from the buggy you need to press the two release buttons on either side at the same time as you lift it out – so it’s definitely a two-handed job! This is fine to do when the carrycot is empty, but I can imagine it being harder with a baby inside, especially as they get older and heavier. I preferred to take the babies out and remove the carrycots separately.

What are the seat units like on the Nipper Double?
I tested out the forward-facing seats with my baby girls and with my son Felix, who’s 3-and-a-half. The buggy is suitable from newborn to around 4 years old. As my son is nearing the top end of this range, I thought he might find the seat a little narrow and restricting, but he said it was really comfortable, and other online parent reviews seem to echo this. He didn’t look squeezed in, and said it was also comfortable in the reclined position. The bucket-style seat is supportive, and the padded 5-point harness is easy to use and creates a snug fit.
My girls looked cosy in the pushchair seats. They haven’t faced forwards before, so this gave them a new vantage point. This meant napping was off the table, but they seemed quite happy taking in their new surroundings. As they’re still so small, they couldn’t actually see each other, being side by side, but it was nice to see them reach out and find each other’s hands in the middle for a sweet moment.
How do you recline the seats of the Nipper Double?
You recline these by squeezing the toggle at the back of the seat, which loosens or tightens the straps, allowing the seat to recline or lie flat. While it’s great that each seat has infinite recline possibilities, and that the seats can be reclined independently, the straps can easily get tangled, and altering the recline is best done with both hands.
What’s the Nipper Double hood like?
The pram comes with individual sun canopies that can be retracted separately. Both hoods have a peephole window for keeping an eye on them, which is especially ideal when you’ve just transitioned from using the carrycots to using the seats, which face forwards.
The hoods do the job: they shielded my girls from the sun and wind and held their position well. I love the discreet pockets that run along each side of the hoods, providing four zipped pockets for essentials such as dummies, wipes, nappies, phone and wallet.

Is there anything you don't like about the hoods?
The only downside to the hoods on the Nipper Double was that the movement of pulling them down and back up again was clunky and noisy. It would be nicer if it was smoother and quieter, as when the girls were asleep and I wanted to extend the hoods, the noise and vibration woke them up from their nap – a big no-no in my book!
Is the Out 'n’ About Nipper Double easy to fold?
I found the pushchair easy to fold once I had done it a few times – simply unclip at either side, then pull a red lever, and it begins to fold. You have to ensure the backrests of the seats are both pushed forward to allow the buggy to fold, and the front wheel needs to be pointing sideways to achieve its most compact fold. You can then lift it with the bumper bar or the bar that runs along the bottom underneath the seats.
Do you have to take the seats off to fold it?
No, you don’t have to dismantle the seats or any other parts to fold the Nipper Double.
How easy is the Nipper Double to store when folded?
I was impressed with how compact it was in its folded state, measuring L:90xW:72xH:42cm with the wheel on, or L:79xW:71xH:36cm with the wheels removed. Once folded, the buggy can either lie flat or stand on its own, giving flexibility when it comes to storage. The standing option is particularly useful if it got dirty on its latest outing. I kept my Nipper Double stowed away under the stairs in our hallway and there was still space for other bags and family paraphernalia. When flat, it also fits nicely in the boot of the car without needing to take the seats off.

Is the Nipper Double a lightweight buggy?
The Nipper Double is not especially lightweight. As far as double buggies go, it was fairly easy to lift and manoeuvre, into a boot for example, but at 12.8kg you wouldn’t want to be carrying it too far, especially as a new mum! The Little Nipper Double is only 11kg, while the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double weighs just 10.5kg.
What's the handle like?
The adjustable handle is comfortable to hold and, using the two buttons on the inside, is easy to manoeuvre up and down to adjust it to a comfortable level for your height. The foam-padded handle made for a comfortable grip, although I was less keen on the gap in the middle where there is no foam and it is just the metal bar. When pushing with one hand, you tend to hold the middle, so I would have preferred the foam padding to go all the way across.

What are the Nipper Double's wheels like?
The wheels are hard-wearing air-filled tyres that seem strong and sturdy. The front wheel is lockable and can swivel 360°. They were easy to fix onto the frame and tackled deep gravel, bumpy woodland terrain and pavement equally well. It took a little while to get used to a buggy with three wheels, as I’m used to four, so tackling deeper kerbs or steps, and making sure I had the balance right so I didn’t tip off to one side, took a bit of practice.
I didn’t have to pump up the wheels with air, but the brand claim that they are easy to fill. You can buy foam-filled EVA wheels separately, which also give a smooth ride but eliminate the risk of an annoying puncture.
How effective are the brakes?
The brake is located in the middle of the bar that runs across the bottom of the frame. You simply flick a red lever with your foot to apply the brake and remove it. I found it tricky to locate with the two carrycots on, but this is something you would get used to over time. The brakes hold well on an incline and don’t get in the way when you’re walking with the buggy. Other online parent reviews mentioned they found the brake easy to use, with the exception of when the seats are in the fully reclined position, when it becomes a little trickier.
How do you rate the Nipper Double basket?
The Nipper Double doesn’t actually come with a storage basket as standard, but you can buy a double basket separately. I can imagine this would be useful, but it does reduce the ground clearance, which could be a problem if you’re going to be using the buggy off-road. The lack of a basket is a major drawback for many people.
Does the buggy have any storage options?
There is a drawstring net-style compartment at the back of each seat, which is handy for storing a few essentials, but they aren’t that big – it would be awkward trying to do a small food shop with these compartments as your only storage – and if you have the seats in the fully reclined position, or have the carrycots in place, you cannot access them. The drawstring opening is handy, though, as it keeps everything secure with no worries of anything falling out.
One of the best things about this buggy is that there are handy storage pockets in the hoods where you can keep important items such as your phone and keys. There is also a clip where you can hang a bag, but the buggy will tip over if too much weight is put on it.

What’s in the pushchair box?
- Folded buggy
- 3 x wheels
- 2 x seat pads
- Bumper bar
- Instructions
- Raincover
- Instructions
What’s in the carrycot box?
- Carrycot frame, base, hood and apron (attached to each other)
- Liner
- Mattress
- Instructions
The adapter for the carrycots need to be purchased separately, for £42.95.
What additional accessories can you buy for the Nipper Double?
- Carrycot £149.95
- Footmuff £69
- Double storage basket £38
- Newborn support £39.95
- Hand muffs £31
- Adapter 1 (for use with 1 carrycot) £42.95
- Adapter 2 (for use with 2 carrycots) £42.95
- Carrycot raincover £22 (although I managed to use the raincover supplied with the pram over the 2 carrycots without too much of a problem)
- Bottle holder £9.99
- EVA wheels £59.95
- Changing bag £60.95
Can the Nipper Double be used with a car seat to create a travel system?
No, unfortunately you can’t add a car seat to this double buggy, unlike the car-seat compatible Mountain Buggy Duet.
What would you have wanted to know before purchasing the Out 'n’ About Nipper Double?
I would have liked to know how noisy and clunky the hood was! It seems like a small thing, but if you like to walk to get your babies to nap, anything that could easily disturb them would be a big turn-off. I would also want to know about the additional accessories that you have to pay for, which you might imagine come as standard; that’s always worth noting when comparing your options and the all-important budget. Paid-for extras include the carrycots, adapters, the storage basket and the carrycot raincover.
Is the Nipper Double pushchair worth the money?
The Nipper Double is towards the higher end for a side-by-side double pram, especially when you add on the extra for the carrycots. It has many plus points that help justify the price tag, though, such as the manoeuvrability and comfort and the handling on all terrains. It feels robust and of good quality, and the ability to use it from newborn until around 4 years does provide real value for money over time. However, I felt a few elements let it down, for instance the noisy, clunky hoods, no parent-facing seat options, not being compatible with a car seat and the lack of a big storage basket (although this can be purchased separately).
How does it compare to similar pushchairs?
Where can I buy the Out 'n’ About Nipper Double?
It is available from Out’n’About, Pramworld and Amazon.
MadeForMums verdict:
If you’re looking for a buggy where your twins or young siblings will be side by side, this is a great contender. The lack of parent-facing seating options and the fact you can’t use it with car seats to make it a travel system set this buggy back when compared to similar models on the market, but if you can look past those, it could be an option for you.
The retail price means it’s not a budget buy, although the fact it could last from newborn to around 4 years old gives it longevity and helps to justify the spend. A few features could be tweaked to make it an even better option for both parent and child, but ultimately, if you’re a family who want to get out and about on all terrains in comfort for all, this is definitely one to consider.
This double buggy is a great option for twins, as well as for a newborn and an older toddler sibling, with seats that are roomy and comfortable enough to fit an average 4 year old. It is also an ideal choice for those who like to enjoy country walks as a family.
Product Specifications
Product | |
Brand | Out 'n' About |
Model | Nipper Double |
Price | £659.00 |
Dimensions & Weight | |
Weight | 12.8kg |
Height | 96cm |
Width | 72cm |
Length | 119cm |
Height (folded) | 36cm |
Width (folded) | 71cm |
Length (folded) | 79cm |
Folded note | Folded with wheels off |
Suitable for | |
Age from | Birth |
Age to | 4 years |
Age note | Approx. |
Both seats suitable from birth | Yes |
Features | |
Travel system compatible | No |
Seat facing direction | Forward facing |
Front wheels | Lockable swivel and wheel suspension |
Recline positions | Multi-position |
Lie flat | Yes |
Features |
Accessories | |
Accessories included |
Optional extras |