It’s that time of year again where a gift-giving bunny makes an appearance and chocolate eggs fill the supermarket shelves – but just how much should you let your children indulge this Easter?


New research, conducted by the University of Surrey, has found that parents who limit their children to sweet goods at Easter could actually face a long-term chocolate battle in the future.

The study split parents into two groups and asked to assess their children’s behaviour in the run up to the chocolate filled weekend.

Children who were restricted from chocolate ended up eating slightly less, but were far more pre-occupied with sweet foods than those children who were allowed free rein to eat what they liked.

“Easter can be a difficult time for parents who want their child to eat healthily,“ says Professor Jane Ogden.

“If you want your child to eat less at this time of year than restrict unhealthy foods, but if you want your child to be less preoccupied with trying to eat unhealthy foods then let them have it and get it over and done with.”

“But at other times of the year, the best approach is simply not to bring unhealthy foods into the home because if it’s not there, your child cannot pester you.”

What do you think of the question on all health-conscious parents lips this year – Easter eggs: to eat or not to eat? Tell us your thoughts below…

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