What's a pigeon pair? And do you have one?
What's the origin of the term pigeon pair? What does it mean? And is it really the 'perfect' family?

In case you've never heard of a pigeon pair before, it's used to describe a family that has just 2 children: either a boy and girl as 'singles', or twins that are a boy and girl.
What's the origin of the term pigeon pair?
Good question! According to various sources on Google (including Wiktionary), the term comes from a very old folk belief that pigeons sit on 2 eggs at a time and they are always a boy and a girl.
What do our mums think about having a pigeon pair?
When we asked our mums on Facebook whether they thought having a pigeon pair was the 'perfect' combo we had lots of responses.
'I feel very blessed'
Laura S definitely feels very fortunate to have a boy and a girl, telling us: "I have a 3.5yr old boy and 8 month old girl and we’re not having any more.
"We’re totally over the moon with them - they have such a close bond which I hope will endure as they get older. One of each is such a lovely combination. Feel so blessed."
'I'm very lucky'
And Laura G agrees, though reckons she'd be happy with 2 of the same as well, saying: "I have one of each. I’m very lucky.
"I thought I’d have 2 boys (which I would have loved!) I think we may have one more child. I would be happy with either. "
'It's not the perfect combination'
Though not everyone thinks a boy and girl is the perfect family. Zoe M says: "I had one of each then had another girl.
"I don't think it's the 'perfect' combo. One of each is great but equally there's something special about brothers growing up together or sisters growing up together.
"So many combinations that I would have been happy with..."
'I've not ruled out having more children in future'
Rhiann C has one of each right now but hasn't ruled out having more children in future, and Emma P's in the same situ, saying:
"I have 6 month old boy / girl twins. At the moment they are enough! In the future - who knows?"
'I'm sticking with 2'
Finally, some of our mums sad that having a pigeon pair swayed them away from having more than 2 children, like Jemma A who said:
"I have one of each, I always wanted 3 children but have since changed my mind and am sticking with 2."
What do you think?
Do you have a pigeon pair? Would think about having more children even though you already have one of each?
Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook.
Image: Getty Images
Read more:
Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015

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