Jenny Mollen’s no stranger to whipping up a storm in her Instagram comments.


This time, the 38-year-old mum of 2 has come under fire from fans for a series of (obviously jokey) ‘swaddling tutorial’ pics she shared to her page.

(Well, there’s the first part of the joke: she actually means ‘babywearing tutorial’.)

The gallery featured 4 snaps, showing Jenny with her wrap in all the wrong positions, and her new son Lazlo looking, to be fair, not too comfy.

Here they are in order...

And the images really, really enraged people. Many were concerned for little Lazlo’s neck, and many others accusing Jenny of foregoing safety for social media laughs.

The reaction

In fact, a big chunk of comments on Jenny’s post were negative. Or very judgemental.

“Wow f***** serious?? All for a ‘laugh’ and bit of attention....” one commenter raged. “That’s a real life human baby a few weeks old and that’s how you’re handling him?”

“How sad, he is clearly screaming from discomfort and probably pain...and you let his head hang. Disgusting.” “

This is NOT FUNNY!!!!” added another.

And another… “Real parenting is making sure your child is happy and safe. Not flopping out a swaddle like that… serious question, would you do this to a newborn baby just for your Instagram?”

One quipped: “RIP head support importance??”

“The baby is screaming and crying, and the last picture he can fall out so easy. How much time did u take taking all these pictures??” one commenter accused.

“Obviously too long if he is in that much misery. This is not funny.”

And in a slightly less aggressive tone, one mum said: “I’m not going tell you how to handle your baby but I don’t think you’re supposed to let him/her hang like that?”

Though we have to note, there were people commenting to say they thought it was hilarious.

“This is the best thing on the internet right now” and “This is everything! ????” popped up.

And one new mum felt it really spoke to her: “I just peed my postpartum underpants!”

What we think

First things first, this isn’t the correct way to babywear, or fit a sling around yourself and your baby. Obviously.

(It goes without saying that if you’re babywearing for real, you should know how to do it safely, securely and properly – by following the T.I.C.K.S guidelines, reading our guide to wearing slings safely and staying up to date on baby carrier safety.)

And we're not saying that the post was genius, or brilliant, or even all that funny - but we do think the reaction was a bit of a, well, over reaction.

It's never nice to see a baby cry – but how do we know that little Lazlo hadn’t been on one, on and off all day? We don’t.

Was it a bit of a tasteless joke? Well, it didn’t land for a lot of people… but the amount of ‘hate’ she’s getting for it just isn’t right in our eyes ?

Instead of piling in, why not use the pics to open up a discussion about how bloomin’ difficult it is to get your sling sorted when you first start to babywear ?

And, of course, share tips on the safest ways to go about it?

Have your say

Did Jenny’s post make you laugh – or did it leave a sour taste in your mouth? We can’t deny it’s a controversial one, so let us know how it made you feel on Facebook!

Images: Instagram/Jenny Mollen

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